The Message

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Hurrying through the common room of the apartment complex, a few scattered hellos called to you from some of the other girls relaxing on the varied couches, you entered the room you shared with Solar and shut the door with a hard snap behind you, leaning back against the wood to catch your breath.

"What did you do, run home?"

You glanced up, startled to see Solar sitting on her bed, legs crossed beneath her, blowing on freshly painted nails, staring at you curiously, one eyebrow raised.

"No, it's just freezing outside." You huffed out, unwinding your scarf from around your neck as you shucked your coat onto the bed. "How was your time with the esteemed senator last night?"

"They didn't bone." Hobi, who had been lying behind Solar on the bed, interjected helpfully into the conversation, his focus still on the brightly lit screen of his phone.

"Why not? Didn't he book you?" You asked, slipping out of your evening gown, and rummaging through your closet for the closest pair of sweats you could find.

"He did, but his wife came home early from some conference." Solar said with disinterest, reaching for another color of nail polish. "But I still got paid the full amount, because he owed me the time anyway."

"Money and no sad old man sex. Win win, girl." Hobi said, still not looking up from his phone, as he blindly gave Solar a high five, the sound resonating loudly around the small bedroom.

"But, that's not what I want to talk about." Solar stated, waving the nail polish brush in your direction, as you sank onto your bed, propping yourself up on one elbow so you could still see her. "How was the day with your mystery client?"

"Mystery client?" Hobi sat up, finally throwing his phone down on the bed beside Solar, as he wiggled his eyebrows at you, bottle blonde hair falling messily over his forehead. "Why didn't I know about this? I thought we were besties, (Y/N)."

"It's not even that exciting." You waved your hand in dismissal at the male escort, and consequently, one of your best friends, trying to stop the sudden thudding of your heart as you thought about your time with Taehyung. "Some doctor needed me to be his pretend girlfriend while his friends were in town. There wasn't even an overnight."

"Oooh, he's a doctor?" Solar asked, excitement clear in her tone, as she shot Hobi a knowing look. "What kind of doctor?"

You groaned, leaning back on your bed and throwing your arm over your face. "A plastic surgeon."

"Holy shit. Do you think he'd give you discounts?" Hobi asked in a slight frenzied panic, but when you lifted your head slightly to give him a glare, he backtracked, saying lightly, "I mean, not that you need any plastic surgery, girl. I'd kill for your face."

"What's his name?" Solar asked casually, putting away her nail polish, ignoring the obvious upheaval the man beside her was experiencing due to your announcement.

"Kim Taehyung." You sighed out, knowing where this was going.

"I'm looking him up on the hospital website right now." Solar's voice came to you, over the sound of her long nails tapping the keyboard of her phone.

Several moments of silence passed, and then....

"Damn, slut! You've been holding out on us! He's freaking gorgeous!" Hobi's voice squealed, and you glanced over at the two of them, noses practically buried in the screen of Solar's phone, eyes wide.

"(Y/N). He's like. Our age." Solar complained, slightly disgruntled, as she shot you a hard glare around the screen of her phone. "He's not your usual Playboy Hugh Hefner type. What the hell, man?!"

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now