The Truth

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"You have to tell him."

"I know I have to tell him!" You said, voice raising an octave, verging on the edge of hysterical, as you madly continued to shove clothes into the suitcase lying open on your bed.

Solar watched your frantic movements for another moment, and then asked quietly, "So why are you still packing?"

"Oh, I dunno." You snapped back, shoving another dress into the bag-one too many, and not really looking at it-before flinging the lid closed with an angry, irritated motion. "Maybe I want to pretend for a moment and be delusional and act like I can go on this perfectly normal and beautiful exotic trip with my boyfriend without having to tell him I slept with his father?"

"(Y/N)." Solar sighed, leaving her place on her own bed to step toward you and pull you into a hug, arms going around your waist, as she rested her chin on your shoulder. When she spoke again, her voice was apologetic. "I'm sorry you have to do this."

You felt tears threatening at the corners of your eyes-hot and furious and heartbroken-and you had to swallow around the large lump filling your throat before you could answer her back, voice hushed and strained.

"Me too."


Later that evening, you stirred the food around your plate listlessly, only half able to focus on what Taehyung was telling you from across the table, his voice almost drowned out by the buzzing in your ears and the sound of the fire crackling in the corner of the den.

"And then, I was talking with Jimin, and he said there's this great little private bay where you can swim with sea turtles. Wouldn't that be awesome?" His voice was tinged with excitement, and it made your heart ache even more hidden beneath the walls of your chest.

"Amazing." You replied back, trying to force a smile for him, but your face must not have been convincing enough, or maybe your tone, because he cocked a dark eyebrow at you from where he sat.

"What? Don't tell me you're scared of sea turtles, sweetheart." He teased lightly, offering you a slight grin and wink from across the table, fork paused above his almost empty plate.

"I'm not scared of sea turtles." You quipped back, though the retort fell somewhat flat, as you shifted in your chair and glanced down at your own still full plate.

Taehyung must have noticed your gaze, because he set his fork aside and suddenly his eyes were dark and serious, as he leaned toward you and reached out to take your hand. "Are you feeling okay? You've barely touched your food."

"Yeah, I just-" You started, swallowing hard, suddenly feeling nauseous as your heartbeat filled your ears, Taehyung's fingers feeling like hot brands where they touched your own. "I'm feeling a little nauseous is all."

It wasn't a lie.

Instantly, Taehyung was standing from the table and pulling you toward the settee beside the fireplace, pushing you down gently into the soft cushions as he reached for a blanket off the back of the couch.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" He chastised softly, folding the blanket over your legs, before he sat down on the cushions beside you, reaching out to place a hand-palm out-against your forehead, as if to feel if you were fevered. "Do you think you caught something?"

You couldn't get words past the sudden tightening of your throat-closed and emotional at his obvious worry and concern for you-so you simply shook your head silently at his inquiry.

He sighed heavily, studying you with golden irises made warm like caramel in the light from the fire, and reached up to rake a hand through dark, unruly curls. "Do we need to postpone the trip?"

The Girlfriend Package (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now