The Confrontation

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A/N: There are brief mentions of sexual assault/rape in this chapter. There are no details, but please read at your own discretion if that's triggering for you. Thanks!

"You can't be serious, Sol." You said in a whiny tone, as you emerged from the closet, covered head to toe in the shiny, pink fabric of the dress Solar had picked out for you, complete with ruffles and shiny sequins.

"Oh, come on! I think it's cute." Solar said, standing up from the bed and walking around you, studying you as if you were a piece of artwork and she the curator interested in purchasing you.

"It looks like something you wore to Junior Prom." You replied, disgust evident in your voice, as she spun you around to face your reflection in the mirror.

"I hate to be a party pooper, but I have to agree with (Y/N) on this one." Hobi spoke up from where he was reclined on your bed, watching your interaction, his nose very clearly wrinkled in offense over the chosen dress, as if he had smelled something bad. "That's atrocious."

"I don't see you giving any better ideas!" Solar quipped back at him fiercely, her brow furrowed in irritation, as she put her hands on her hips and let out a huff of annoyance at our lack of enthusiasm over her pick.

"You already vetoed my pick, you snobby bitch." Hobi said with a roll of his eyes in the face of Solar's anger, as she shot him another glare in the mirror.

"Look, I appreciate the help," You said, already beginning to pull the straps of the dress from your shoulders, eager to get out of it as quickly as possible, "But I'll just wear old faithful, it's not a big deal. It's just a wedding."

"You can't wear a little black dress to a wedding, (Y/N)." Hobi sighed deeply, as if you were truly testing his patience. "It's not a funeral."

"No, wait!" Solar, her face lighting up with realization, suddenly clapped her hands loudly, scurrying over to her closet, as she began to dig through racks and racks of dresses. Finally, she reemerged, triumphantly holding aloft a gown, a self satisfied grin revealing perfectly white teeth, as she shoved the new dress into your arms. "Put this on."

"Sol...." You started to groan out, glancing at Hobi for help, but he merely shrugged, lying back on the bed and pulling out his phone, as if he knew a determined Solar was not a force to be reckoned with.

"Come on, just give it a chance!" Solar said in determination, pushing you back into the tiny closet and slamming the door shut behind you, as she called through the flimsy wood, her voice excited, "It's going to be perfect this time! I promise!"

The closet was dark, and you couldn't see what Solar had chosen to torture you with this time, so letting out a long suffering sigh, you blindly put on the dress, before reaching for the door and coming back out into the light of the bedroom, where Solar had taken a seat on the bed beside the seemingly now disinterested Hobi.

"Well?" You asked dryly, arms held out, spinning around in a slow circle for their appraisal.

"Holy shit. I've actually done it." Solar breathed out in disbelief, punching Hobi to get his attention, as he let out a yelp of pain, glaring at her as he rubbed the offended arm. But she didn't seem to notice, gaze still locked on you, as she said softly, "I'm a damn magician."

"Biiiitch..." Hobi drawled out, eyes lighting up as he sat up on the bed, his own gaze locked intensely on whatever Solar was staring at. "I'm loathe to make your head bigger than it already is, however, you're absolutely correct in this instance. That dress is magic."

"Told you." Solar said smugly, as you rolled your eyes at their dramatic actions.

"What's so special about it? I really don't think...." You finally turned to look at yourself in the mirror, and the sarcastic words died on your lips, as your eyes widened, and though you hated to admit it, as you admired the dress in the reflection, Solar and Hobi were right.

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