The Question

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"You said it. You really said it?! Holy shit, (Y/N), that's huge!"

Solar's shriek filled the small room you shared, and you hurried to the door, slamming it shut and shooting her a slight glare, as she high fived Hobi so loudly it made your ears ache.

"Can you please keep it down?" You hissed, back still pressed against the flimsy wood of the door, cheeks suddenly red and hot. "I don't need everyone to know."

"Why shouldn't they?" Hobi crowed triumphantly, standing up, tall stilettos tapping across the floor toward you, as he halfheartedly made an attempt to open the door around you, a wicked grin on his face. "Hey everybody! This bitch just said I love you to the hottest doctor I have ever seen. And he said it back!" You shoved him, making him stumble slightly and laugh, as you slapped a hand over his mouth. He grinned beneath your fingers and said, muffled this time, "And I'm not jealous at all, you bitch."

"Yeah, yeah." You slumped back onto your bed, your stomach twisting into pleasant knots, as you briefly remembered the complete and utter look of shock that had crossed Taehyung's fingers at your words several nights before. "It's not a big deal. Can you guys stop already?"

Although it was a big deal. A very big deal.

"Um, it is a big deal." It was Solar's turn to shoot you a glare now, as Hobi folded his long, lean body onto the bed beside you, one loose arm slung casually over your shoulders, as he began to look distractedly through twitter on his phone. Solar shook a finger in your direction. "Have you ever said I love you to anyone?"

"Of course I have." You scoffed, trying not to look her in the eyes, as your work phone chimed and you stretched across Hobi to grab it from the dresser. "My mom, my kid sister, Leo-"

"Yah." Hobi poked you in the ribs with one long fingernail-painted traffic cone orange today-and made a disgusted face at you. "That doesn't count."

"Oh I'm sorry." You snarked back teasingly, shoving your pillow into his face with one hand, as you opened your blinking lockscreen with the other. "I wasn't aware there were rules for telling people you loved them."

"Come on, (Y/N), remember that one time in high school-" Solar started to rant some long ago story at you, but you tuned out her talking into nothing more than background noise as you read quickly over the email from Dahlia that had appeared in your inbox.

"Ugh, I have an overnight." You interrupted Solar's meandering, and offered her a slightly apologetic look as her mouth stopped moving and she glared at you for cutting off her story.

"With who?" Hobi leaned up to rest his chin on your shoulder, eyes scanning the open email. "A regular?"

"No." You shook your head and clicked the email closed, tossing your phone back onto the dresser. "Sounds like some one night stand kind of thing. Anonymous, new client." You scoffed, picking at your fingernails. "Probably some rich business man in town for a trip and hoping to get some before he goes home to his wife and kids."

Hobi shrugged beside you, eyes drawn back to the screen of his own phone. "I mean, whatever right? Those always pay well. When is it?"


"Oooh." Solar shifted forward, her eyes suddenly bright. "Speaking of hot said doctor who suddenly knows you love him." She grinned as you groaned. "You can take that cash you make and get a pedicure and manicure before you see him next." She sat back, winking at you. "And buy something red. No man has ever been disappointed with red."


"So you told her you loved her and-?" Jin mused over the top of his still full glass, swirling the amber alcohol around thoughtfully, as the end credits and music from the video game they had just finished played quietly in the background of the dimly lit study.

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