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Y/N: If you no longer want me here, I understand. I'll go live with my best friends here

As you were turning, BTS and Minji pulled you into a hug.

BTS & Minji: We forgive you

Y/N: Is okay if my best friends would stay here?

MJ: Of course!!! More friends

TH: We'll have to look for another place

JM: Yeah we've been thinking of moving either way

Y/N: And what's up with the decorations?

NJ: Ohhh right....

BTS + MJ: SURPRISE!!!!!!!!

Y/N: What's this for?

J: You're birthday

HS: I know it's late but we just found out

JK: We couldn't find a cake or cake mix so there's none

YJ: We have one

HK: We got one on our way here

Y/N: But I didn't see you

BG & T: We did it secretly when we were about to leave the store

Y/N: Well we should start getting ready to shower and get sleep

TXT: Where could we stay

YG: You can stay in the livi-

Y/N: You can sleep in my room I have plenty of room for you guys

Thank you for 1k views for this book. I never expected it to get this much😄💜

Sorry for the short chapter I've been kinda busy rn.

See you next time


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