Finally Cleared Out

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GROUP 1 (JK, TH, BG,& MJ) / GROUP 2 ( YG, JH, JM, J & YJ) / GROUP 3 (HK, T, NJ, SB, & Y/N) 

WITH GROUP 3 (HK, T, NJ, SB, & Y/N+ YG & YJ(from group 2)


I saw Yoongi walking towards us and about to hit us with something when I speaked up.

Y/N: Da-damn you guys sc-scared u-us. WTF Yoon-yoongles put the ha-hammer d-down

YJ: Why are you all panting?

HK: Yeonjun hurry and help us

NJ: We found so much stuff, Yoongi come help me with this machine thing

T: But we better get out of this hallway soon

SB: Theres walkers coming. Hurry and put the things at the bottom of the stairs. Cutie close the door once  we all pass the door to the stairs.

I was just gonna close the door when I tripped on my laces and started falling back. As I closed my eyes and waiting to fall down the stairs, I felt 2 pair of hands grabbing me, preventing me from falling.

Y/N: Thanks Namjoon and Soobin.

I stood up and quickly closed the door before the walkers got the chance to go through.

T: That was so close

YG: For sure! Lets go back quickly before they start breaking through

Y/N: Taehyun come help me with this. Lets put it in front of the door just in case

HK: Better safe than sorry

T: You guys can start heading back, It might take us some time to do this.

Taehyun and me went inside the door from earlier where the walker avoided me and started looking for things to block the door other door with. The others had left to join the rest.

~~~~•Time Skip⏭•~~~~


Everyone has came back except Y/N and her friend Taehyun. We walked to the entrance  and saw that Jimin, Taehyung, Soobin and Hoseok had returned with cars. We started putting the things inside. It's been almost 45 minutes and they haven't returned.

JK: How come Taehyun and Y/N aren't back?

SB: Are they really not back yet?

J: No and it's almost been an hour.

BG:  I feel something happened

YJ: I feel it too but it seems bad

HK: Hey Beomgyu, Yeonjun, Soobin we should go check what's taking them long

TH: Shout for us if something is going on

JH: A few of us will come to you


 We were just about to carry some furniture to block the other door when we heard it open. My eyes widened and tried to close the door as quietly as possible but Y/N accidentally stepped on a wrapper on the floor. I closed the door quickly and shortly after the walkers started pounding on the door, trying to get in.

Y/n: Oh shit! What did I do?

I pulled Y/N and hid behind a big looking desk. I put her on lap since there wasn't much space  for two people to be in. 

T: Sorry sweet cheeks. There just isn't a lot of space for both of us to sit in

Y/N: Its fine, I mean I did get us stuck in this situation.

She sat there disappointed in herself for what she caused. I gave her a peck on her cheek and started comforting her.

T: Y/N, it's fine. At least we are safe right now. You didn't know there was a wrapper there so don't beat yourself up.

It's been 10 minutes and Y/N had fallen asleep. I sighed, thinking if we were gonna get out of here alive. I haven't told anyone but I think I like Y/N more than just a friend. Just being around her makes me want to protect her from anything. I just don't think she likes me that way but being best friends makes me happy enough.

T: If only you knew how much I love you

 I had woken up to the sound of glass breaking from the small window on the door breaking. I started shaking Y/N.


T: Y/N wake up, we need to get out of here before we get eaten.

Y/N: Sorry for falling asleep but um Taehyun do you see the window infront of us.

T: Yeah. What about it?

Y/N: It shouldn't be that long of a way down plus it's the only way we could make it out of here alive. While we were looking around, I found a rope that could help us

T: Okay lets do it but I go first. I will tie this to the table.

Taehyun oppa had started going down the rope. Suddenly I heard the door open. I quickly went towards the window and was about to jump out when


So you guys might've seen notifications of that there were new chapters updated. I was just editing grammar and making sure things made sense. I sure found a lot of mistakes in earlier chapters.

Thanks for reading! See you all soon

-Author Meow💜

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