Secrets and Stories Pt.3

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| JK: Jungkook | TH: Taehyung | BG: Beomgyu | MJ: Minji | YG: Yoongi | JH: Hoseok | J: Jin |

| JM: Jimin | YJ: Yeonjun | HK: Huening Kai | T: Taehyun | NJ: Namjoon | SB: Soobin |  Y/N: You |


YJ: Well who wants to share their story next...

It was quiet for a while, the rest looking at each other suddenly the silence got broken. Minji had raised her hand before saying...

MJ: I'll go next

Everyone turned their attention to her, looking at her with curiosity and waiting for her to begin speaking.

MJ: Well I'll just start by admitting that I was a bitch when I met most of you all. Especially with Y/N... and I'm really sorry for you all especially to Y/N...

Y/N: Don't worry about it Minji, I forgave you

MJ: Anyway to start of may story...

I come from a really wealthy family and throughout my whole life, I got spoiled by my parents a lot. My parents bought me everything I asked for. From a huge Barbie Dream house to limited edition purses. In fact, my parents are one of the most wealthiest people to ever live. Of course there are some downsides of living the rich life. Always having to look presentable whenever we went to any special business event at a very young age, always having to behave a certain way, having to keep that "perfect family" image. It is very exhausting. Because of all this, I became the way I am... well was since I'm changing my ways. I was rude to all our house workers, breaking down when my parents didn't buy me what I wanted, thought I was better than everyone just because I had all this money, would bully those who didn't have what I have, thought I could pull all the boys at school with the things I had. I never appreciated what I had and when I say that, I mean I never did cause I had all this money to fix things. Looking back to this, I think it was just cause I grew up to be a lonely child. No siblings, no friends. I mean it makes sense because my parents were rarely home. And the "love" with all the money and gifts they showered me with weren't really love. It was just a way of them not having to deal with me. Sometimes... I wish I had a normal childhood, with loving parents who would be there for me, learning to be appreciative with what I had, was able to be a nice kid. There was a time when I realized that I never knew how to do simple things like cooking, washing the dishes, cleaning up my room, doing my bed so when this whole pandemic thing happened... I told myself "How am I going to survive when I don't even know how to do the simplest things?". I was in my classroom, talking with my "friends" when this started. One of this walkers walked into the class and a boy thought they were sick or something so they went to help them out but he got attacked by it. We all got freaked out by it. My friends and I were trying to get out of the class but that's when I realized those girls were just using me. They pushed me towards the man-eating monster and closed the door on me leaving me there with that thing. I pounded and pounded the door for help but no one did. How did I manage to escape you ask... well I started throwing things to it until I realized I had to hit its head to kill it. After throwing various chairs at it, I was able to knock it out. I started hitting the doorknob with the leg of a chair that had broken off. By the time I got out of the class, the virus had spread to most of the school. On my way out of the school doors, I saw you seven and Y/N running to the parking lot towards their cars. That's when I thought... omg the boys could end up being my bodyguards and protect me but I had to figure out a way to get rid of the girl with them or make them turn on her. They were just about to drive away when I yelled them to stop. I didn't want to die either so it was the best option to leave school with them. I had gotten in and then realized I was in the car with the other girl which was Y/N. I was seating near Jimin and I started flirting with him. I laugh thinking back to that and Jimin, I'm sorry about making you uncomfortable that time. And then Y/N called him up front and I got annoyed and then I heard Yoongi and Hobi laughing. After that I remember we stopped at some gas station and everyone got out. I kinda heard them talking about me before I got off and I got a little mad so I go out of the car. Right when I got out, the car was filled up and we had to move on. We arrived at Y/N's house and we gathered things. I saw Y/N alone so we got an opportunity to talk with her. When I slapped her, we started to leave since we were getting surrounded by walkers. We went to my house after and I managed to turn Jin and Jungkook against her. I was annoyed I didn't get the other on my side but two of them were enough. Y/N left shortly after and the next morning Jin and Jungkook confronted me because I caused Y/N to flee. We left as soon as we ate and I got told to stay quiet. Yoongi didn't want me to call him "oppa" and yelled so many things at me to shut me up. I laugh because I did that. UMMMMM I don't wanna go on with what else happened so I'ma just speed through this. We caught up to Y/N and we got some actual weapons. The day after that we went to some town and we looked for more necessities. That's when I realized what type of person Y/N was. The small herd of walkers by the town started attacking us. She had closed the door to the van and she stayed off fighting them. She caught up to us. After we moved further out of the city and reached another one. We went looking for stuff and then Y/N started avoiding us. I started getting worried. I realized I had feeling for her at that time too. We saw she got bit and then we met you five which was pretty cool. We then scavenged for necessary things for the cure at the clinic or hospital of whatever it was. And now we are here. Honestly as you can see, I had a pretty tough life. I am a much happier person. I learned how to do things for myself because of this and you all. I am glad that I became better person, with a better personality, with trustful friends. I hope after all this we could stay together and hang out at school if there will ever be school.

SB: Of course we will

YJ: You know that is pretty funny how you hit on Jimin

NJ: Talking about Jimin, Look at him! HE IS BLUSHING HAHAHAH!!!!

JM: Come on guys please stopppppp

Y/N: Alright kids, leave him alone

Everyone except JM and Y/N: AWWWWW

BG: Damn Yoongi, you really went all out at her... HAHAHHA

YG: Indeed I did *proud face* that is me

T: Well thank you Minji for changing and thinking differently on Y/N or else we would've kill you for bothering my princess.

MJ: OOO Look at you with the nick names *smirking face*

HK: We all call her nick names hah

TH: Well okayyyyyy

JH: Sure Taehyun


J: Whatever you say PAL

Y/N: What are you all even talking about... We're best friends

NJ + JM: Wow Y/N You are really blind.... I'm ashamed of being your friend

MJ: Same here

Y/N: Whatever....Well who is next??????


Hey guys sooooo

I will do Jungkook's and Tae's story next chapter. I might even add Jimins backstory+ story of now.

Remember from Chapter Escape that:

Jungkook + Tae are cousins

Jungkook + Tae + Jimin are bestfriends and they know Namjoon

Also at the end of writing all their backstories I will probably end up putting  all of them  in  one chapter so it's not all split in different ones. I will probably do the same  with other chapters with parts

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