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You turned your head just to see the monsters heading your way. You stood up quickly and started running up the stairs towards the roof and quickly closed the door.

Y/N: Anyway thanks for helping me Jin

You were out of breath until you heard someone in front of you clear their throat. You saw 2 other boys standing in front of you.

We were catching our breath when we heard someone clearing their throat. I turned my head and saw two people standing in front of us.

Y/N: Oh hey, I'm Y/N and this is Jin and that's Namjoon.

Both Namjoon and Jin waved hi to the boys in front of them.
J: Jin JH: J-Hope
NJ: Namjoon YG: Yoongi
okay back to story now
???: I'm Jung Hoseok but you can call me J-Hope or Hobi and this is Yoongi

Yoongi: I'm Yoongi but you can call me Suga or whatever you want.

Y/N: Nice to meet you both

JH: Do you guys have any idea what's going on??!!

Y/N: Not really I was on the rooftop when the principal got attacked. I tried warning others but they laughed excepts Namjoon here.

You checked the news from your phone as you shake your head. Everyone was shocked as to what was happening.

No no no no, WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!

Y/N: NO NO NO this is my fault!

You let out a few tears

Y/N: If I haven't wished for something different to happen for today then this wouldn't have occurred.

I started sobbing and got comforted by Jin.

Y/N: NO NO NO this is my fault!

I lift my head seeing Y/N let out some tears

Y/N: If I haven't wished for something today then this wouldn't have happened.

She started sobbing about more and was about to comfort her until I saw Jin hug her and rub her back. I guess they are close.

As I wrapped my arms around y/n and comforted her, J-Hope pat her back trying to make her feel better.

JH: Y/N it's gonna be fine we're gonna survive. It's not your fault this happened, it's the scientist fault. We're  gonna protect each other until the end.

As they rest of the boys tried to calm y/n down, the zombies or walkers or whatever they were had started pounding on the door it trying to get in.

YG: Hey you guys sorry to interrupt but we should start leaving right now. I don't wanna die like this.

YG: Hey you guys sorry to interrupt but we should start leaving right now. I don't wanna die like this.

You saw Yoongi pointing towards the door and released from the hug

Y/N: Thank god there's another flight of stairs to go down and leave. I have a car on the left side of the school let's get out through there.

I hope we can get out of here safely without getting bitten.

J: Do you all have a weapon or something of  sort?

YG: Yeah we do, now let's go before we become lunch

~~~~•TIME SKIP⏭•~~~~

You all made it down from the roof safely and started running towards the exit. Just as you were about to reach the exit, walkers starting going towards you all. You soon got outnumbered and about to give up fighting until...

I hope this chapter wasn't so bad. I would've finish this earlier but got distracted by bts performance of today
- Author Meow💜

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