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NJ: Jin, Yoongi, Tae and Y/N are a group and the rest of us (Jungkook, Jimin, Hobi and Namjoon) is another

Y/N: My group looks for food and you guys look for a place to stay

JM: Let's meet back here in 1 1/2 hours

You all went your separate ways to look for the needed things

YG: Guys look!
*pointing at a big building*

J: Perfect! hurry inside so we could finish as fast as possible

TH: Yeah also because there some walkers in the distance too

MJ: Hurry and get in, I'll keep watch near the doors

JH: So where should we go first

NJ: Let's go over there! That house looks big enough for us.

JM: Okay so jungkook help me open the doors

JK: you guys just hit the zombies if any come out just to be safe. From there we check around the house for other of the blood thirty animals

Jimin and Jungkook opened the doors. Thankfully there weren't any by the door. We started going into different rooms making sure it was safe.

As i opened the door to a bathroom, I saw one of the walkers tied up. I called the others to check it out.

JH: Hey guys come over here

NJ: No way

JM: They probably tied themselves from hurting someone.

JK: I think so too because I saw a girls body in a room. Poor girl

NJ: Looks like we found a place! Um.. Hobi stay with me. Kookie and Jimin go back to where we said to meet up and wait for the rest to get there

JH: We'll clean in here a bit and look around for some things and bring the things inside.

I was looking around the store looking for basically anything we could get. As I was walking through the aisles, i walked pass a dead walker or so I thought. It grabbed my leg until....

Hey guys sorry for not posting in a while. I've been busy with a lot of school work lately since it's almost the end of the 1st semester. I'm making sure i turn in all my work to keep my grades up.

Also I'm gonna be editing a few of the beginning chapters so it makes sense so  yeah.

see you for the next update

author meow💜

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