Secrets and Stories pt 4

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 *****Incase you don't remember from the beginning, tae and jk are cousins


Y/N: Whatever....Well who is next??????

JK: I guess it's me and Taehyung's turn next, Do you want me to tell them or do you also wanna tell them with me

TH: Umm You could take over if I break down... *sighs*

JK: Okay relax and breathe

Unlike those who have shared so far, Tae and I didn't grow up in a wealthy family. We weren't  poor but like middle class. I don't know if most of you remember when we met that I mentioned that we are cousins. 

TH: He and I are really close and we've gotten closer since of an accident that had happened when we were kids. My family and his were going to a theme park when my family got into a horrible car accident. I didn't suffer anything major but my parents were in life threatening  conditions and didn't make it. 

Taehyung paused as he tried to control his breathing and not tear up but he failed.

JK: Tae fell into a depressive state as just a kid. He loved his parents so much that he just couldn't take in what had happened.. From there he just wasn't the happy boy but he slowly recovered with the help of my parents and me. And then skipping shortly before the apocalypse...

TH: We had been walking to school, nothing out of the ordinary. We were almost at school when someone across the street was screaming and being chased by some crazy person. We ignored it and got to class. That was until a few minutes later when I heard someone run into the classroom across the hall yell at their class that the principal was bit by some crazy man. I heard laughing. We saw Jimin run into the class and he had panic in his eyes and was about to tell us something when we heard a loud crash. He pulled Jungkook and me out of the class and we started running away from people with bite marks and blood on their faces. We ran into the halls and saw a clear exit but then we saw some zombies going to us. That was when we met you when you whacked it from behind. And then we are suddenly here...

MJ: Wow what a crazy story 

YJ: Yes it is 

YG: Im so sorry for your lost Taehyung, it is hearbreaking to loose someone you are so close too.

Suddenly you saw something coming from behind Taehyun. 


You stabbed the zombie on time before he bit Taehyun.

NJ: Where the heck did this one come from

HK: Uhhh guys... We have a problem

Im so so so sorry for this late update... I hope you enjoy this part and cliff hanger.

IDK if you all noticed but I unpublished author notes and as I finish the story I will be putting the secret and stories chapters together. Please be patient and sorry for your long wait for this

-Author Meow 💜

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