A plan

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From the past chapter:

Y/N: Well we should start getting ready to shower and get sleep

TXT: Where could we stay

YG: You can stay in the livi-

Y/N: You can sleep in my room I have plenty of room for you guys
J: Jin JH: Hoseok
NJ: Namjoon YG: Yoongi
JK: Jungkook TH: Taehyung
JM: Jimin MJ: Minji
SB: Soobin T: Taehyun
YJ: Yeonjun HK: Huening Kai
BG: Beomgyu

This Chapter

Next Morning
I woke up early the next morning. I started getting things ready to heat up the canned chicken food.

Thank god this house has a gas stove. I hope we find a house with a gas stove and solar panels to get electricity

I suddenly heard my best friends (TXT) coming into the room sniffing the air

Y/N: Good morning guys. We don't have much food but here's a bit

TXT: Thanks this is enough for us

SB: Also today we're gonna go to this like small clinic to get supplies for the cure

Y/N: Okay that great

T: We're gonna need to go clear it out first too

BG: we passed by and there are walkers in there

HK: Who knows how many are in there too

YJ: we might also need supplies from there in the future depending how long it takes to create it

NJ, JK, JM, TH: We'll go help clear it up

Y/N: Ah you're all up, Good morning

YG/J/JH/MJ: Yupp and Good Morning

Y/N: Well eat up everyone we got some work to do

~~~•TIME SKIP⏭•~~~

SB: We're here now

NO ONES POVSB: We're here now

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T: We need to be careful when we are in there

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T: We need to be careful when we are in there

Y/N: Wait yoongi and me have a plan

NJ: Since when did you two create a plan?

YG: While we were walking here

JK: So that's what you were talking about

J: What's the plan?

YG & Y/N: So here's what we will do...

Sorry for the short chapter

Thank you for the 2k read and 140 votes I really appreciate it! It makes me happy many are reading my book and gives me motivation to creat another book in the future

see you next time

- Author Meow💜

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