The Cure

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I will be adding a notebook entry for the some chapters (maybe). It will usually have 'notebook entry' written before so you know it's an entry. If you don't see it you will know it is a notebook entry since it will be in Italic Bold  with quote mark  at the beginning and end of each notebook entry)

Also we are getting pretty close to the end of the story :(

I am planning to write another story if you are wondering but I have to figure out the plot first. Maybe I'll do a sorta short story of me and how I got into Kpop (also why I got into it) but who knows.  I hope you reading this ends up reading future books I am thinking about writing.



JK: It's all clear. It looks like no one has came in.

HK: I guess we should have 2 or 3 people on lookout while the rest sleep. We will rotate after every 2-3 hours.

BG: I'll stay awake for the first few hours. Anyone else?

T: I will too!

HK: Are you sure? I mean you had an exhausting day today with everything that happened

T: Im fine!

MJ: I'll stay up too! You guys go get rest especially you Y/N.

Y/N: I sure will!

1 1/2 Year Later


Notebook Entry:

'It's been more than a year a since we've gotten the necessary supplies to use. Its been more than a year almost two since everything started with the zombies. We've been looking for a cure but so far we haven't succeeded. We have gotten closer each time to get the antidote and I could feel we will get it soon. Today we are trying another sample and a few of them when to look for a walker to test on. Fingers crossed it works this time. '

Y/N: Hey Soobin, How is it going?

SB: Same old, same old

MJ: We came to bring you guys some food.

'Did I forget to tell you of everything that has happened so far?  We returned back to the city after loosing our house in a fire and were able to find a home well more of an abandoned mansion with an underground base and lab!!!!  It had a fence around it but we improved it. Plus it's not that far from where Y/N used to live. We started to build a garden and planted fruits and veggies which Hobi, Jimin,  and Beomgyu are uncharge of. We managed to get hot water and electricity running around the house with the help of  Yeonjun, Kai, and Taehyung. Our science team consist of me, yoongi, namjoon and jin. A scouting team of  Jungkook,  Minji, Y/N and Taehyun. Minji came out as bisexual after confessing her feeling for Y/N. She got over her crush and stayed best friends with her. In fact we've gotten so close that today we are having a bond fire and talking about our past. Anyway this is the end of todays notebook entry. '

T: So how are you guys feeling for today?

J: Pretty confident that we will get a cure soon.

Y/N: Thats great!

MJ: Well we'll leave and get things ready for later.

YG: How is it going there Namjoon?

A sudden crash filled the room

NJ: Sorry, You kinda scared me there! It's going well.

J: Be careful this is the 5th one this month

SB: Plus we are running out of these supplies. We're gonna have to go on a supply run soon if you keep breaking them.



T: You know what we should do?

BG: What?

JM: Get some wood to start a fire

JH: I think Jungkook got some yesterday on his run

HK: That's good

TH: I feel like today will be the day we will get even closer than now.

MJ: Same here

~~~~•Time Skip⏭•~~~~


We have everything ready for todays bonfire. I don't even remember when I last did this since it has been a long time. It was around the time my parents stayed home still since I was pretty young. I hope my parents are fine though. I can't wait to hear about my friends back stories of them.

I was going towards the lab until I heard cheering. I rushed inside to see what was going on.




Y/N: REALLLY? No way!!!

J: You know what this means..


Suddenly footsteps are heard coming this way...

MJ: Whats going on guys?

JH: Yeah we heard you from the kitchen

BG: Is something wrong?

SB: Guys guess what??

T: Don't tell me...

Y/N: They all found the cure !!!

Everyone except J, NJ, YG, SB & Y/N: YESSSS LETS GO!!!!


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Can't believe this is coming to an end :( I enjoyed writing this story along with you readers supporting my story!

- Author Meow💜

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