Out Alive

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Taehyun oppa had started going down the rope. Suddenly I heard the door open. I quickly went towards the window and was about to jump out when a walker got the end of my jacket. I slipped off my jacket, jumped out the window while holding onto the rope and going down the building.


T: A little help here and quiet down a bit

Y/N: Oopss hehe sorry...

Taehyun and Y/N fought off the few walkers that were in the area and ran around the building to the entrance where they went in. You both walked in to see everyone crying while trying to comfort each other at the same time.

Y/N: Are you guys okay?

T: And why are you all crying?

Everyone ran towards the two figures and hugged them tight.

J: We thought you guys got eaten

Y/N + T: What do you guys even mean

JK: You four, tell them what you saw

Jungkook pointed towards Beomgyu, Yeonjun, Soobin and Huening Kai.

HK: Well....


Jimin, Taehyung, Soobin and Hoseok have gotten back with cars. We started loading the supplies into the car when Jungkook brought up that Taehyun and Y/N haven't gotten back.I checked my watch and saw that it's ben 45 minutes, nearly an hour. The sun was just starting to set. Just then Kai called us so we could go see whats taking those two a long time.

We were almost at the top of the stairs when we saw that two doors where wide open and full of blood. Holding in our tears, we peeked inside the only room before going deeper into the hallway only to see around a dozen walkers inside. We looked around and saw Y/N jacket on the ground filled with blood and what looked like the remainings of a hand and leg. 

Filled with anger, we started killing those monsters. With all that anger we had inside of us, we were able to kill them pretty quick. We started crying so much 

HK: I'll never forgive myself, it should've been me

YJ: I shouldn't have left them there

SB: They were too young to die. 

I silently walked towards the jacket and the remaining and picked them up. Full of sadness, I walked back to the entrance of the building to break the news to everyone else. The rest followed me back shortly after with our heads hanging down. 

TH: Where's Tahyun and Y/N?

TXT: Dead, eaten alive

MJ: There is no way they are dead. You have no proof 

BG: Want proof? Heres your proof.

Beomgyu threw something towards Minji. She picked it up and started tearing up. 

JH: What's wrong Minji? Show us

Hobi walked towards Minji and saw the jacket, the hand and leg.

JH: There's no way they were eaten

Everyone slowly began to cry. Some with small tears in their eyes and others sobbing.



JH: And then thats when you two came it.

MJ: Well tell us how you got out.

T: Did you four seriously not see the window open or a rope tied to something?

TXT except Taehyun: Uhhh... no....

Y/N: You are all still the same

NJ: Guys we should really start going back, it's getting dark and walkers are starting to come over here.

MJ: There are 3 trucks, 5 seats in each. We're going in car with the groups we were in so we don't waste time.

JM: Incase you all forgot GROUP 1 is Jungkook, Taehyung, Beomgy, and Minji in one car. GROUP 2 is Yoongi, Hobi, Jin, Yeonjun and me) in the next car. The rest of you are in GROUP 3 which is Kai, Taehyun, Namjoon, Soobin, & Y/N.

We all got into are cars just in time and left towards the house. It was already dark and we sure wasted  a lot of time there. We were a few houses away when we saw that the house was...


So um... I had written some of this chapter and I remember saving it since I was going to my aunts house for fathers day. I came back and saw that most of it was GONE ! The only part there was the beginning of it.

I am so upset because of this and it took me longer to publish this chapter. I had put a video and it got deleted too :( but thank god I found the link to it. I was able to remember most of what I wrote which I'm glad for.

Sorry for the short chapter

-Author Meow💜

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