What now?

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GROUP 1 (JK, TH, BG,& MJ) / GROUP 2 ( YG, JH, JM, J & YJ) / GROUP 3 (HK, T, NJ, SB, & Y/N)  


Y/N: You al please QUIET DOWN! I am so tired! You have no idea what I went through and how tired I am so I would like some peace and quiet to rest up. What did I say? That we will meet up here just incase we got split up

ALSO it's all your fault, you all have your own walky talkies on hand for a reason and there are one in each of the cars. You'll coulda been talking through them and made sure no one was missing. And if there was they would let us know their alive

NJ: Sorry Y/N

Y/N: It's ma'am for you

Now If you let me I will go take a nap now... in the car...

Some time had passed and you were having the best sleep that you've had  until you were shaken and woke up.

Y/N: This better be good as to why I'm being wok-

MJ: I'm sorry but there is a heard coming this way and its huge. We have to leave already Y/N. Everyone is already finishing up with packing.  

Y/N: Just great! Well let me help so we could leave here pronto. 

You rushed out the car and saw a horde indeed heading your direction. 

Well damnnn...

You got what was left and closed the trunk and rushed inside the car with the rest. 


As your car pulled away, the other two followed and sped away. You hoped to get away from the horde or going toward a different direction than them. You didn't get very far due to gas. You saw a building and decided to hide in their at the top floors and roof of the building. You stopped the car and got everything you were able to carry into the building. Everyone followed you in with weapons in hand just incase. Luckily for you the building was pretty empty, there were only a 3 walkers throughout the whole building. 

TH: Well that was close

BG: Way too close

NJ: Well what now boss?

Y/N: We will have to wait 

JK: How long?

J: When could we leave this?

JM: Most importantly, how are we gonna get food?

SB: He's right Y/N, we barely have any food and water at the moment.

Y/N: I'm not sure... We'll have to see until every dam zombie finishes passing by. And about food... well, we are gonna need to scout the building for it or try to ration even more.

T: Everyone leave her alone

YG: She is already stressed as it is

HK: They are right, if it weren't for her we wouldn't even be alive... let her rest for once

Everyone quieted down after and went their own separate ways.

Y/N: Okay guys and Minji, could you all come here please.

YJ: Whats up ma'am

Y/N: If we are going to need food, we're gonna have to do something risky... 

JH: Which means?????

HK: Which means we are going to go to nearby stores but fast before the horde arrives here.

Y/N: Based on their travel pace, we have the rest of today and tomorrow to do our thing meaning by the day after tomorrow they will begin to pass by here or maybe the day after that. But that is  the latest it will take for them to get here.

NJ: and....

JK: And we are going to need to work our ass for the rest of today and tomorrow to get any supply

Y/N: Please keep in mind that this is an estimate, if not they'll be here by almost the end of tomorrow, earliest. So if that does happen, hurry your ass back here and fast if you can't take shelter at some nearby study building. 


Everyone went to get their things and got into their groups |GROUP 1 (JK, TH, BG,& MJ) / GROUP 2 ( YG, JH, JM, J & YJ) / GROUP 3 (HK, T, NJ, SB, & Y/N)

Y/N: You all have your walkies on? 


Y/N: Be careful please, see you soon.


Okay so first off I hope some of you all checked out my friends and I's account. 


The end of this is coming 

I know it's been so long!!!! but I hope to write more stories in the future and be more active in writing them than in this one. Maybe they'll be better than this one, My first ever book!!!

Anyway I hope you readers stick around for more after this

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