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I started to realize Y/N wasn't all bad. She was trying to keep us safe. I tried to stop her but she closed the door and started fighting them off.

We drove off to safety. Please be safe Y/N
Sorry for being a bitch to you. I hope you forgive me

MJ: I hope she comes back safe

BTS: Since when did you start caring  about her

MJ: Since I realized that she has been trying to keep us safe.

How did we get here? What did I get myself into! Maybe if i hadn't wished for something different, this wouldn't have happened. But at the same time I'm glad, I wouldn't have met them at all.

I started running as fast as I could with my hurt leg. I also fought the zombies as they were chasing after me. Thank god they are walkers.

Everyone was processing with what had happened. Y/N saved our lives and risked hers by trying to help us escape. We could've helped her but we didn't.

TH: We could've helped her

J: Yeah but knowing her since kids , she would want to keep those important to her safe.

We suddenly stopped and hoped that y/n was out there alive. I hope she gets here before sunrise.

JK: It's getting dark, let's rest.

JH: I'll take watch right now. Every 1 and 1/2 hours we switch.

MJ: No I'll stay watching

TH: I'll take watch after you then

NJ: I'll watch after tae

JK: Okay I'll go after Namjoon

YG: I'll go after you

J: And then I'll go

JM: Looks like i'm after then

JK: And i'm last

I was able to get out of there before anything happened. Now I have to search where the boys might've stopped.

Y/N: It's dark already. Looks like I will have to run for as I could.

I've been waking for 3 hours and a half  now. HOW MUCH MORE! The sun is also starting to rise.

Y/N: I think i see the cars from here! I'm almost there

It was finally my turn to take watch. No sign of y/n anywhere. Jungkook is the last one to take watch and it's almost time till the sun rises.

J:I hope she's fine

30 minutes passed and I saw a figure limping towards. I better get my knife in case. As it got closer I saw that it was a girl figure


As she got closer I saw that it was y/n. I ran to her and hugged her tight.

I felt someone pull me into a tight hug and then hearing the person say:

J: We were so worried. We thought we lost you

Y/N: Well I'm here now!

J: I'll wake the others up and tell them you're here

Y/N: No you go and rest. I'll stay watching.

J: Bu-

Y/N: Just go before i whack you with my shoe.

~~~•TIME SKIP⏭•~~~

The sun had roses completely. The boys woke up one by one and saw that you were there.

JM: Hey Jin why didn't you wake me up

Y/N: Hey guys

BTS: Y/N!!!!!

MJ: Y/N i'm glad your okay

Minji hugs you very tight and starts forgiving you

I got surprised when Minji suddenly hug me asking for forgiveness.

Y/N: Don't worry about it

The boys all got out of the car and hugged you till you no longer were able to breathe.

Y/N: Guys get off! I can't breathe

TH:How did you get out!

NJ: Yeah especially with your hurt leg.

JM/YG: And with that much walkers surrounding us

Y/N: Well...

Sorry for taking long posting this! See you soon! I would love to know if this good?

EDIT: Before Minji died in the beginning chapters but i decided to let her live and be not so mean after

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