The Weird Dream

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Everyone went to get their things and got into their groups

|GROUP 1 (JK, TH, BG,& MJ) | GROUP 2 ( YG, JH, JM, J & YJ) | GROUP 3 (HK, T, NJ, SB, & Y/N)|

Y/N: You all have your walkies on?


Y/N: Be careful please, see you soon.

The three groups went separate ways. It was extremely tiring and exhausting. There were a few walkers lurking around the small city but none from the horde... yet. Some of the groups didn't have much luck. Some of the food had been spoiled bc it has been a long time since the whole thing started. Group 3 didn't have any luck finding any food or water but they found some other necessary resources. Group 2 was lucky enough to find some canned fruit that was still good enough to eat and other canned foods. Group 1 had more luck than group 3 as they found a few snacks here and there. They also found some feminine products for the girls and a pair of clothes for everyone.

Group 3 POV (HK, T, NJ, SB, & Y/N)

From all three groups, they didn't have much luck. They headed the opposite direction from the others, a direction which didn't have anything! Everything was destroyed and empty. If they did find something, it had already gone bad and just didn't have use to them anymore.

Y/N: Sorry guys, we haven't found anything yet

HK: And if we keep going?

NJ: I doubt were even going to find anything

T: But we are going back empty handed

SB: Yeah but with our luck, I don't there will be anything up ahead either

Y/N: Looks like were heading back huh


HK: It really has been a bad day, for us especially

T: I know


The group made its way through the city. Forty minutes into the walk, they found a small grocery store. It didn't seem as anyone or anything had stepped into the store since the apocalypse. It seemed secure enough and the store looked suspiciously clean. No blood, no shattered glass, things weren't on the grown. Everything was perfect. They even looked around the whole store to make sure there weren't any people or walkers inside.

YJ: This is the weirdest thing ever

JH: It feels so safe and cozy in here

J: Too cozy and safe...

YG: Alright guys, lets hurry here. This place give me the creeps

To their surprise, many of the things in the store seemed and were untouched. Everything seemed as it was fully stocked recently. The food looked good enough to eat as if it has been there since yesterday. They were able to collect great amounts of food which they needed to take 2 carts with them.

JM: Are you all ready to go?

J: Yeah I am

JH: Okay, Yeonjun and me will start taking everything outside

YJ: Wait up for me, I have to get something... for Y/N

YG: We will wait outside


JH: Hey quiet down!

YJ: Sorry my bad

JM: Let get going everyone!

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