On the Move

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As we were getting inside yoongi was going to get attacked from behind. I ran and sliced the zombie and pulled Yoongi in the car. We drove off and made sure Yoongi was alright.

As I pulled yoongi up, Minji tried pushing me out.

I'll deal with her later

Y/N: Are you alright?

YG: Yeah I'm fine, thanks for that again

YN: Don't worry about, we need to have  each other's back especially now.

Y/N: And Minji stop trying to get rid of me. You already tried turning them against me and now you're trying to push me off the car

MJ: Sorry it was an accident😅

Y/N: Whatever😒

Almost an hour had passed by and we saw a town.

Y/N: Hey guys look *you pointed to a town ahead*

Y/N:We can stop and look for some food and water.

You guys finally arrived and Jin stopped the car by the entrance.

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You all got off and started dividing into groups of 2

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You all got off and started dividing into groups of 2.

Y/N & Tae
Jin & Joon
Yoongs & Kookie
Hobi & Jimin

Y/N: Okay, if you see a zombie just hide or kill it and try not to make any noises. We don't want to attract any zombies, especially now.

Y/N: Okay so tae and me will look for water or any drinks and some womanly stuff needed. Jin & Joon, look for some food. Make sure they work too. It seems like there  is a clothing store. Yoongs & Kookie you'll look for clothes. Finally Hobi & Jimin, you guys look for snacks, gas and if possible for a portable stove to cook food.(idk what they are called) And Minji go on look out or something

MJ: I'll go with Jungkookie and yoongi oppa to pick my clothes

YG: I said no oppa

We were heading to a grocery not to far from the cars. As we got close, we saw a horde of zombies not that far from us.

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