Secrets and Stories Pt.1

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Incase you all forgot who's talking since I haven't posted for long:


| JK: Jungkook | TH: Taehyung | BG: Beomgyu | MJ: Minji | YG: Yoongi | JH: Hoseok | J: Jin |

| JM: Jimin | YJ: Yeonjun | HK: Huening Kai | T: Taehyun | NJ: Namjoon | SB: Soobin |  Y/N: You |




MJ: Whats going on guys?

JH: Yeah we heard you from the kitchen

BG: Is something wrong?

SB: Guys guess what??

T: Don't tell me...

Y/N: They all found the cure !!!

Everyone except J, NJ, YG, SB & Y/N: YESSSS LETS GO!!!!


~~~~•Time Skip⏭•~~~~


After celebrating for a while, we had gone out and started the fire. Everyone sat around the fire on the chairs we had found when we first arrived here. We all started talking and laughing but not too loud to attract others. Suddenly the laughs and happiness died down. The mood was more serious, it was time, time to talk about us.... I had broken the silence first

Y/N: So I'm really grateful for being able to meet you all even if it wasn't in the best conditions. You really helped me get through these very crappy and hard times, I really appreciate it a lot and I guess it's time I tell you about me....

...I was only 4 years old when I had moved to the U.S with my family along with my five best friends and their family. They each have their own companies and so we moved due to their business starting to expand around the world. I became a really lonely child, an independent young girl because my parent were never home but I still had my boys until five years after that we moved to Mexico. After leaving the U.S along with my best friends, everything got pretty lonely. I was bullied in school because of the jealousness of the girls in school. They started spreading rumors of me to around the school that the majority of the students there started teasing me everyday. After enduring that for so long, I finally did something about it. I became stronger and began to learn how to defend myself. Another five years later we had moved back to Korea so I could finish high school there. My parents business has expanded to most of the world so we came back just to see family. However not even a month after moving back, my parents began to go on business trips again so I stayed alone in the house. I didn't know anyone, didn't have friends at school. I always was outside by the balcony or the roof  before and after school swell as during the breaks and lunch. And then three years later, on my birthday, this whole thing starts and I met you guys and reunited with my five best friends again. Until this point, I learned how it feels to be afraid to lose someone you love and care about so much it feels to have friends more like family to rely on when you feel down. I learned more about this feeling during this short time we've been together facing this shit ass world then before this thing started. 

Tears began to fill my eyes. They started falling until they reached my jaw and didn't have anywhere else to go but to fall on my hands. A few seconds passes and they slowly stopped falling. I begun to speak again...

Y/N: Well that was me... 

I saw everyone with look of  sadness on their eyes. I hope it doesn't change the way they see me. Slowly, one by one, everyone one of them started going towards me and hugging me. After a while they pulled away and go back to their seats.

Y/N: Who's next?  

???: I will

When I do BTS's backstory, please note that they weren't a group until they all met during the beginning of the apocalypse so they're going to have different backstories. I will be making a part 2 with TXT's, BTS's and Minji's Backstory after this one...

For right now I posted this since I haven't updated in a while now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter though.

Also those going to the PTD concert are all so lucky!!!! I hope I am able to see them at future concerts for the first time!!!

See you all in the next one, Take Care!!!!

-Author Meow💜

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