Secrets and Stories Pt.2

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We never knew where Y/N had moved to after until now. We never knew what she went through either. Everything she told us broke not only my heart but also Taehyun's, Kai's, Beomgyu's and Yeonjun's heart. I decided to speak up for my boys and me and what our story was....

SB: Like Y/N said, Taehyun, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Kai and me moved to the U.S. Our parents all worked together and they were always busy with work. Because of this we became inseparable when we lived in the U.S. but then there was that day we didn't hear from Y/N. We found out she moved some other place and without saying goodbye. We were pretty upset but we know why she never said farewell to us. Her parents were most focused with work than our parents. Our parents always had a day to be us which made us happy but they would still work most of the time. We were pretty lonely after she left and it took us half a year to move on. We made new friends but many were fake. Some used us, others always tried to flirt with us, and specifically girls always tried to get close to us tried to replace Y/N spot in our heart. One of them almost was able to but she was exposed by her 'friends'. We've been doing good, our parents stopped coming home since they got busier with the company. It was lonely but we had each other. Skipping to a few weeks before the apocalypse , we had all planned to travel to Korea to surprise Y/N. We got to Korea a day before her birthday. We had called her parents beforehand so we could get their address to decorate it before she came from school but that never happened. The day of her birthday, we had gone to a grocery store to get things we needed. The store wasn't so far from Y/N's house and from the hotel we were staying. While getting the things checked out, we saw someone getting attacked and bit. The person turned and started attacking others. We put everything in the car and we left. While getting out the lot, we saw police and ambulances. Right when we got back to the hotel, we got all the things we could carry and fled somewhere outside the city. On our way out, we saw more of those things were chasing and attacking people. About two to three days after, we were passing by this abandoned town through the woods that are around it. We had heard some commotion and we went to see what it was. There were walkers surrounding a few people and then the car pulled away leaving a girl fighting them all away. We went out of the woods and ran towards the huddle of zombies, helping the girl out. When we took every single one of them down, we ran back and heard a "Thank You" getting shouted. The voice sounded familiar but we continued on not wanting to risk a possible enemy. A few days after we were at this store by a hideout we had found by it. We were scavenging it until we heard someone come inside until one of these dummies bumped into something and an object fell. We saw Y/N and we all talked. She told us everything thats happened since it started. Told us about Minji and then the bite. And then we met you all and we scavenged that clinic and now, we are here.

JH: Wow.. I don't know what to say. You all went through so much

TH: Yeah they indeed did...

NJ: How did you all do it with your parents not around

T: It was hard but we pushed through it

BG: We were lonely for most of our lives but we had each other

HK: Being together helped us overcome the loneliness..

YJ: Well who wants to share their story next...

???: I'll go next



I just wanted to start by  saying MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Even if it's a little late

I also want to add....

THANK YOU because you all helped me get 11k reads and 467 votes!!! YAYYYYYY!

So I decided to make separate part for each person but I might end up changing it up by doing 2 or 3 people for the 'Secret and Stories' chapters/part

Anyway I'm not sure if I'll be able to update before New Years sooooo


I also wanted to add if you want some type of nickname so I don't call you by just readers... If you do, you could suggest some names in the comments, if you don't want any and is fine with me just using 'readers' also let me know. It is fine with me if you choose. The most popular picks within you all will be selected and I will end up doing a poll of the selected so you all could vote.

Señor Meow Out.... 💜

Zombie Apoc (BTS/TXT)✔️Where stories live. Discover now