Chapter Thirty-Four: True Sight

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Waking up to the glorious warm sun shining down on them, the group quickly ate breakfast and packed up camp and were soon on their way. It was a beautiful orange-pink sunset by the time they reached the lake, a scene reserved only for the best of memories. As they tied their horses to the tree and made their way down to the lake shore, Merlin couldn't help but scratch at his chest, this was the place he saved his best friend and also the place he sentenced himself to a merciless curse.

"It's beautiful" Gwen admired the view as she and her husband walked hand in hand behind the rest of the men.

"This is it. This is where our brothers will return" Leon spoke whilst gazing proudly over the lake.

"For the dynasty and table the King created is not in isolation from one another. An empty void, the castle may seem, but everything has a purpose and nothing is without reason" The Warlock recited the words of the Sidhe. His friends just stared at the boy in confusion. "It's just something someone told me once" He reassured.

"Right well... we're here... what now?"

"We must go to where the vail between worlds is at its weakest and strongest" The raven answered.

"I swear you are talking in riddles today Merlin." Arthur returned exhaustedly.

The boy just rolled his eyes before continuing. "The lake. It is the gateway to all other worlds. It is weak because it is a rift in the universe which allows passage to other worlds but the magic which courses through every water particle is unparalleled in strength."

"And you know this how?" The King questioned his servant.

"From when I had to save you from Sophia, I had to kill two members of the Sidhe to protect you... Lets just say we haven't been on the best of terms since" Merlin looked regretfully back out onto the lake.

Everyone remained silent, Arthur daren't say any more, it was clear this was a sacred place and he did not wish to anger any spirits here, no sir he had learnt his lesson many times before. Leon was the next to speak, clearing his throat he began

"If these spirits don't trust you, what makes you think they will help us?"

"Because. This was their idea." Merlin replied weakly smiling at the Knight before turning to walk along the shore. The Royals and Knights began following him until he stopped. "Here. This is where it is."

"How can you tell?" The blonde questioned.

"I can sense it."

Ordinarily the King would start rambling on about the boy's funny feelings holding no proof, but not this time. Merlin knew what he was doing, and Arthur trusted him completely.

The warlock felt drawn to this area of the shore, the sun lay directly in front of them and he could feel his skin tingle with all the magic coursing through the air. It was now the raven remembered the words from his book, closed his eyes and spoke to the lake, calling for the Sidhe.

"Ecce ego ad portas Auallonia ego quaerere te duce, quo placet, dona mihi auditorium."

It did not take long before the beautiful blonde haired woman rose practically from thin air.

"Emrys" she greeted.

The Warlock opened his eyes, to reveal their golden nature, he smiled as she moved close toward him.

"I see you have brought your friends" Her echoey voice continued. Merlin turned around to see his friends, they were just talking between themselves, occasionally looking towards him but acting completely oblivious to spirit.

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