Chapter Five: Sort of Died

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The pair then sat down by the lake together, looking over the still glistening water



"I don't feel any pain"

"That's a good thing isn't it?" Merlin chuckled

"Well yes, but I was stabbed a few days ago, and now it's as if nothing happened"

"I healed you" the warlock replied bluntly

"Oh.... so the lake of Avalon did work? I could have sworn we wasn't going to make it in time"

"We didn't make it in time, you sort of died"

"I what?!"

"Yeah, but you're alive now, and we can return to Camelot and you shall continue to be a great king"

"So let me get this straight. I died, but the lake somehow brought me back to life?" Arthur replied in disbelief

"I guess so" The warlock lied

Arthur noticed that Merlin sounded off in the latter of the conversation, but didn't want to pressure his friend so decided not to pursue the conversation.

"So what's the plan?" The king questioned

"To take u back to Camelot of course" Merlin replied happily, he too wanted to go back to see his friends, he hadn't seen them since he left to get his magic back from the crystal cave.

"The only question is, how'd you want to get there?"

Arthur looked to his friend in confusion, Merlin smiled and looked up. Arthur followed his gaze to see Kilgharrah flying above them and coming in to land. The dragon bowed his head to the pair.

"This better not be a common occurrence, I am not a horse Merlin"

Merlin laughed and looked back at Arthur

"Care to join me?"

"You've got to be joking" Arthur remarked "I can't ride a dragon"

"How do you think I got you here?" The warlock smiled with his usual sarcastic grin the king had grown to love, though he would never tell his servant that.

Merlin went first, climbing up onto Kilgharrah's back, he looked back down to Arthur who was shaking his head

"No way"

"Oh come on dollophead, don't be such a wimp" Merlin held is hand out towards his king

"I am not a wimp!" Arthur took his friend's hand and got onto the dragon. The servant smirked as Arthur sat behind him.

"You might want to hold on"

"Don't be silly I'll be fi....ahhhhhh" The king didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Kilgharrah flew to the sky. Arthur gripped hold of Merlin

"You tell anyone of this and I'll make your life a living hell"

"More than you already do?" the boy retorted whilst laughing.

Flying through the air, the boys watched down below at the Forrest they had just been in, it was becoming more and more distant.

"This isn't too bad" Arthur said gaining his confidence.

"Not too bad at all" Kilgharrah roared before quickening his pace and starting to make sharp quick movements: to the left, then to the right, and finally turning upside down, doing rolls in the air. Arthur let out a deep scream


Whereas Merlin just enjoyed the ride and laughed at his masters reaction.

Kilgharrah landed just outside of Camelot's walls in an open clearing, so that no one would see the three of them. After all magic was still outlawed.

Arthur went first in jumping down on to the ground from the dragon', followed by Merlin, but as Merlin's feet landed firmly on the ground the dull pain that was still present in his chest worsened significantly causing him to grunt and hold tightly onto his chest while he lowered his head, wincing.

Arthur watched with worry as he quickly went to his servants aid,

"You okay there Merlin?" Grabbing hold of Merlin's shoulders

"I uhh..." the warlock couldn't form words as the pain forged its way through his body, "...I'm fine" he pants as he attempts to ignore the pain

"Merlin" Kilgharrah sternly said, knowing exactly what was wrong

"I said I'm fine" Merlin snapped, standing up right "I'm alright, just a little light headed that's all"

"If you're sure?" Arthur asked still not convinced of his servants words

"I am, come on let's get you back to Gwen"

Merlin began walking towards the large castle in the distance.

Arthur glanced back to the dragon

"Thankyou" he said with a genuine appreciation for the dragon's actions

"Arthur, you must look after him, he will not ask for your help, but I implore you, keep an eye on him, he is haunted by his past. You must help him see the goodness in his ways"

"Don't worry I'll take care of him, he's not alone anymore" the king reassured

"I'm glad. Now more than ever, he will need your friendship"

Arthur nodded as if to agree with Kilgharrah, and just like that the dragon flapped his giant wings and flew off into the sky.

Arthur turned to face his servant, who was still walking towards the castle, and ran up to him whilst placing an arm around his shoulder. The pair walked together, happiness in their hearts as they head towards the citadel.

It was at least a 20 minute walk to the castle. The duo had been walking for about 15 minutes, mostly in silence, when Merlin spoke up

"Arthur, now that you know of my magic, what do you want to happen?"

Arthur could see the cautiousness in Merlin's words, and a slight amount of apprehension as to the answer.

"I'm not sure" the king began "you know better than anyone that I never actively hunted those who practice magic"

"I know, but does that mean I can no longer use magic either?" The warlock asked.

"Has my rulings ever stopped you before?" Arthur replied with a smile on his face, which slowly faded as he realised that Merlin didn't see the humour in the conversation. "I can't just remove laws and traditions overnight Merlin"

"Of course i understand" the raven haired boy was saddened by his friend's unwillingness to accept magic, and most certainly did not understand why Arthur couldn't change the law but he didn't want to lose his friend, not after all he has sacrificed to get him back.

"But that doesn't mean, I won't ever remove the law, I understand now that there is much I don't know" Arthur stopped walking and Merlin did the same "I can never repay you for what you have done for me, but you have my word I will do everything in my power to help you and your kin live a life in peace and freedom"

Merlin's face now had a giant grin planted onto it, to which the king returned a smile.

"But if am to abolish the law, then of course I'm going to need you to explain magic and everything along with it, you up for that?"

"Is that before or after my daily routine as your servant?" Merlin asked cheekily

"Shut up Merlin" the king countered whilst roughly grabbing the boy, putting him into a headlock and taking his fist and rubbing it against his head.

"Oww oww okay okay" Merlin shouted. Arthur released his grip, and the pair continued towards the castle.


"THE KING IS BACK, ALERT THE QUEEN!" The guards yelled as they saw Arthur and Merlin approach the citadel.

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