Chapter Eight: A Friend's Passing

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~Previously ~

"SIRE! SIRE!" A voice sounded from the hallway, suddenly a young red haired serving boy rushed through the doors "I'm sorry to interrupt sire"

"Its fine, what is it?" Arthur hastily replied

"It's your servant, Merlin"


"What about him? What happened?" Gaius sternly shouted, panic clearly spread on his face

"We were just talking about everything that had happened in his absence, I spoke of sir Gwaine's fate and he lost it, at first it was just tears but then it turned into anger, rage even. I've never seen him so... so... angry. I could have sworn his eyes turned red at one point, then he started throwing things across the room. That's when I came to get you." The red haired boy looked terrified, Arthur gestured for the boy who was now breathing loudly to take a seat.

"It's okay, I just need you to tell me where he is now" the king spoke softly to the boy, but a trace of panic could still be heard in his voice

"In his chambers" Arthur needed no more information, he ran past Gaius, out the door and down the hallway, The physician followed as quickly as he could but soon fell behind.

Arthur pushed the door into Merlin's room wide open, and looked around, he saw a broken 2 legged chair at his feet that clearly had broken upon impact against a wall, many pieces of paper and books littered the floor, small glass bottles which had been smashed had their contents splashed on the wall or floor. The warlock's bed had no blanket or pillow they too had a new home. As the king looked to the right he could see the boys dark oak wardrobe was missing a door whilst the other hung on by one hinge. Finally Arthur's gaze fell upon a skinny slumped figure sat in the corner.

"Merlin?" The blonde haired man approached the boy slowly

Merlin lifted his head, to see his friend approach, he had tears streaming down his pale face, but he could not bring himself to respond just yet. Arthur felt his stomach twist with sadness as he saw the hopeless look in the boy's eyes. Without any further words the king went and sat next to Merlin.

Moments of silents consumed the pair, Merlin's head was now back faced down into his knees, causing his next words to come out rather muffled.

"He's dead."

Arthur froze, he of course knew Merlin was referring to Sir Gwaine, he had learnt of his friends death when he talked to his knights in the courtyard, upon their arrival in Camelot. Gwaine was a fierce and brave knight and Arthur had been truly saddened by his death, but he knew that Merlin and Gwaine's friendship had been much stronger than his own.

"I know" were the only words Arthur could muster up, in fear that he too would start tear up.

"He was tortured, he died thinking he failed you" Merlin still hadn't looked up, his words were broken, he stuttered frequently.

"But he didn't fail me, you sought to that Merlin" Arthur tried to reassure his friend.

The raven haired boy finally looked up, his face more broken than before

"Why does everyone I care for die on me?" He now looked into Arthur's eyes, as if hoping that the king had some answers. But Arthur had no words that could comfort his friend, he saw now more than ever the pain Merlin has been through. Without responding the king cautiously placed his arm around his servant. Merlin leant hesitantly into Arthur, unsure if it was the right thing to do. The pair sat in silence tears still ran silently down the raven's face.

The warlock knew his friend could give no satisfying answer, after all Arthur still knew very little of what Merlin had suffered and although he knew he could tell Arthur the truth about all those he lost, about all the scars that traced his frail body, and about all the times he had helped Camelot - he didn't want to, not anymore, he didn't want to relive some of the worst moments of his life.

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