Chapter Twelve: Old Friends

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Merlin had left the king's chambers just in time, he was trying as best he could to hide the pain his chest was causing him, but as soon as he had walked into the hallway outside Arthur's chambers he allowed himself to get caught up in the burning sensation. His back up against the stone he slid down the wall holding his chest. The pain got significantly worse as he sat there, the bright early morning sun made everything golden as it's light seeped through the castle windows.

Hearing footsteps, most likely that of guards, the boy got to his feet and stumbled down the hallway still clutching his chest and now breathing rapidly. Finding himself in a new and empty corridor the warlock stopped and used this time to untie his neckerchief and quickly pull his tunic down so that he could see his chest, there it was: the black mark. But it was different, the epicentre was bigger as was the roots, not by much but they were definitely bigger. Upon further inspection the boy could have sworn he saw the roots wriggling under his skin. Merlin lifted his head and sighed as he placed his head back up against the wall, whatever was happening was getting worse.

"Merlin?" A familiar voice spoke

Turning to face the source of the words, Merlin saw Gwen standing beautifully in her red dress and quickly stood up straight and bowed his head.


Guinevere sighed as she approached the boy "Now what have I said about calling me that, you are my best friend Merlin, call me by my name."

"Sorry Gwen" the warlock smiled  "What are you doing out here so early?"

"I was about to ask you the same question" the Queen returned

"I was with Arthur, he wanted to talk, but I didn't know he was going to keep me there all night" Merlin rolled his eyes sarcastically.

"I assume it was a... fruitful conversation"

"I guess you could say so" The boy replied "Anyways what about you? It's rather early to be up and about"

"As a servant I would always be up at this time preparing for the day ahead, old habits die hard I suppose."

"Yes well If I were you, I'd sleep all day" Merlin laughed "Well I won't keep you, I'm sure you have more important things to do."

"Actually Merlin, I've been meaning to talk to you since your return" The warlock cocked his head to the side in response "Walk with me?" The queen asked.

The raven nodded and walked besides Gwen as they began their stroll around the castle.

The duo talked about many things, it had been along time since they had been able to catch up, what with Gwen being possessed, Morgana, the war and of course Merlin and Arthur's disappearance. It was nice to catch up, they reflected on times past including that of younger Gwen's crush on the serving boy, the pair laughed it off, wow had things changed since then. The sun had risen even higher in the sky, The Queen and servant stood on the battlements looking down at the waking Camelot below: Servants were entering the citadel readying for their days work ahead, the markets were being prepared, blacksmiths made their way to work, few children were about and those that were looked as though they had just awoken and had been pulled out of bed, It was the beginning of another day in the Kingdom and everyone was going about their duties.

Merlin held his gaze down on the people in the town, watching intently as they worked, whilst Gwen was looking at the servant, watching and observing as if she was studying him. The Queen looked as though she was debating to say something to the boy, her face softened as she saw her friend smile at a little boy who held a wooden sword and was practicing the movements of a knight. But just as it had softened her face grew serious.


"Hmmm?" The boy replied without looking to face her

"I know what you are"

Merlin froze, still not averting his eyes from the town below, hoping that Guinevere wasn't talking about what he thought she was talking about.

"I know that you have magic"

'Oh shit' the warlock thought to himself, how was he going to talk his way out of this. The servant stood and turned to face the queen giving a forced smile "You can't be serious, me? With magic? Come on Gwen you know me... I'm just Merlin: Clumsy, idiot, manservant Merlin." The boy continued, trying to play off as if the notion was completely absurd "I think you need some sleep, come on, I'll walk you back to yours and Arthur's chambers" Merlin began to walk past Gwen, but she grabbed hold his arm as he did so.

"Merlin" she spoke softly "It's okay, you need not fear me"

The warlock sighed and lowered his head "How did you find out?" He asked although with his tone you couldn't tell if he was relieved or scared.

"I had my suspicions, but when you and Arthur disappeared I put the pieces together and confronted Gaius. He confirmed my suspicions."

"Gaius told you?!" Merlin was beyond shocked at this revelation, his mentor was the one who forced him to keep this secret. Guinevere nodded. "Does Arthur know that you know?" The Queen again just nodded. "And you're Okay with it?" The warlock asked skeptically.

"Of course I am Merlin. I won't lie and say it didn't hurt when I realised you have been lying to me, but I understand why you did. You have always been there for me, in more ways than one and I'm sure in many other ways that I don't know about" Gwen raised her eyebrow in a very Gaius-like fashion causing Merlin to smile.

"You have no idea" the boy chuckled slightly, Guinevere now grabbed ahold of both of Merlin's hands

"You can talk to me you know, about anything, I'm here for you. Always."

"Thanks Gwen" Merlin's eyes glistened with tears, as he looked as his friend who accepted him for who he was. The pair embraced in a long hug, holding each other tightly, they both had lost a great deal but still after it all they had each other, and for that both Gwen and Merlin would be eternally grateful.

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