Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Remus nervously walked up and down the room, causing Philip to smirk

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Remus nervously walked up and down the room, causing Philip to smirk.

"For Merlin's shake Remus, if you're so stressed about Cassiane being interviewed for a job, what would you do if you were getting married?"

Remus blushed, amusing the other man once again. "Mate, you need to take a seat, alright?"

The three of them had traveled back to England, since Dumbledore considered them ready to take a more active role in the war. The first step was to place someone in important places, like Saint Mango's, the Ministry and to scatter the rest around the country.

"She's worked so hard for this." He explained to Philip. "If they don't give her the job-"

"I'm hired." The brunette replied, a grin plastered on her face. "Part time, but still."

Philip sighed in relief. "I'll write Dumbledore a letter."

"Or I could just cast my patronus, the way Gideon taught us." Cassiane suggested.

"None of us is good enough at this yet." Her brother said and continued writing. "Come on, we have plenty of things to do today."

The young couple followed Philip around because he had been instructed to lead them to their new residence. "I'll show you your new house, where you'll be staying for as long as the Order wants. It's close to the headquarters, because they'd rather keep an eye on you, lovebirds."

Remus laughed ironically, to Cassiane's confusion. "You mean that they want to keep an eye on me, right?"

"I'm sure that's not what I said, Remus." Philip replied dryly. "Nevertheless, the house is fully equipped to handle your condition. They've created a special room at the basement and they casted dozen of spells to keep you inside. There's no way you could go out of that room, unless Cassie opens the door."

"I can't do that."

Cassiane furrowed her brows and stopped walking. "Of course you can."

"What if something goes wrong Cas? I can't risk it."

"As an extra precaution," Philip continued, ignoring his friend, "Sirius and Sharon will move in next to you, this month. He's always going to be there when you transform and James or Peter will come if they can."

"See? There's nothing to worry about."

Philip checked at his watch. "I'm running late. Go and settle in your new house, okay? I'll pay you a visit tomorrow morning."

They thanked him before he apparated, returning to the safe house. Then, the couple walked inside their house, grinning.

"I can't believe we're going to live together."

"Rem, we've been living together for over two years." Cassiane corrected the.

"Yeah, but that's just different."

The house was better than they could have hoped for. Firstly, plenty of light from the windows brightened the living room, which slightly reminded them of the Common Room, back at Hogwarts. The kitchen, had all the latest appliances and a dining table, while there were two bedrooms in the house, painted in bright blue.

Neither of them had enough energy to explore the basement and Remus certainly didn't intend to visit his new cage.

"I love it." Cassiane stated as she sat on a couch. "And I also love you."

Remus smirked and without a warning, he picked her up and kissed her . He carefully touched her face, letting her know that there wasn't any short of pressure. He always did that gesture and Cassiane had happily figured that it was his way of making sure she agreed.

A knock on the door, however, forced them to break apart. They stared at each other and Cassiane mouthed "Later" before leaving his lap to answer the door. The woman opened it and came across an invited guest.

A man with a dark mark on his hand pointed at her with his wand and shouted "Expelliarmus!". Remus watched in horror as he prepared to cast the Killing Curse.

He knew that the Shield Charm wouldn't be enough to save Cassiane. Fear and panic took over his mind and as he recalled the countless crimes of the death eaters, he did what he had been trained for.

"Flipendo!" Remus cried, desperate to protect his girlfriend.

The jinx knocked the death eater back, since Remus' goal was to save Cassiane and not to kill him. Unfortunately, the Death Eater's head hit against a wall. Despite being absolutely petrified, Cassiane found the courage to walk up to him and check his pulse.

Remus' heart dropped as she shook her head. There was a new kind of fear in her eyes, fear of him, and he immediately realised that he had taken a life.

"H-he's dead..." She mumbled, moving away from the body.

"I'm...I didn't mean to..." He responded, extending his arm to touch her shoulder, seeking confirmation that she knew he would never kill deliberately.

Cassiane flinched at his touch, which made the man burst into tears. "Please, I didn't mean to-"

She pulled him in a hug, and wrapped her arms around his body, as he was shaking and sobbing violently. "I know, Remus. I know and thank you for saving my life."

He couldn't stop replaying the moment in his head, he couldn't erase the image of the cracked skull. "I wanted to help, I didn't- I could have-"

"Shhh." Cassiane whispered as she gently pushed him, to sit down on the armchair. "You did your best. You tried to knock him down. It was an accident."

"Are you... scared?"

"No." She sincerely replied and forced herself to smile. "I'm a little shook but everything will be okay.

Remus wiped a few of his tears. "I'm so sorry Cassie."

"It's okay." Cassiane repeated, lovingly caressing his head, to prevent him from looking back at the body. "You have nothing to be sorry about. Now, you just need to stay here and I'll take care of everything."

"No, I can help." He assured her. "I won't let you go through this on your own."

A/N; Heyyy!
I hope that you are all doing amazing. I love this one 😂 Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed my chapter, leave a comment and/or a vote.
See you tomorrow,
Athanasia ❤️

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