Chapter Forty-Three

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Remus left the next morning and Cassiane was left alone, feeling more confused and lonely than ever before

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Remus left the next morning and Cassiane was left alone, feeling more confused and lonely than ever before. However, her body had healed almost completely and she believed she was ready to attend another meeting, hosted in the Order's new headquarters. Ever since they realized there was a traitor among them, the meetings took place in different locations, to ensure that they wouldn't be attacked.

She exited her house and stood still, wondering if she should check on Sirius or not. She certainly didn't agree with Remus' theory but their friend didn't seem to trust them either.

Cassiane plucked up on courage and rung the bell. It took a few minutes, but eventually Sirius opened up, holding his daughter. "Hey."


"Can I talk to you, for a second?"

Michelle waved at her and tried to open the door a little more, while Sirius prevented her using his foot. "I'm not sure it's a good idea."

"Do you honestly think that we are the traitors?"

The man rolled his eyes, placing Michelle on the floor. He adviced her to go to her room and turned to face Cassiane again. "I do. Remus' behaviour is at least suspicious. This sudden desire to join the werewolves, whom he has spent his whole damn life hating on, doesn't sit well with me and I think that you agree."

She looked at his direction and shook her head. "I trust Remus with my life. But I also trust you. I know, Sirius, that you would never betray the Order because I've seen the way you fight against our enemies and how wiling you've always been to sacrifice yourself for the others. I'm sorry that you don't have the same opinion about me and Remus, especially since I protected Michelle-"

"How do I know it wasn't an act?" He raised the tone of his voice as his eyes watered.

Patience had a limit. "Does this look like a bloody act to you?" Cassiane shouted back, pointing at the scars on her skin. There was nothing the healers could do about them, since they had been created by a powerful dark curse. The woman chose to focus on the bright side. At least Remus didn't feel so weird anymore and it was proof of how hard she had fought to survive.

Sirius couldn't come up with a valid argument. "It doesn't prove anything... You might not be involved in whatever he's up to, but I can't risk it, Cassiane. Think about it. He knew where we were that night-"

"So did Marlene and Sharon and you!" She pointed out the obvious. "If you want to convince me, you'll have to find something better."

"Why does he suspect me?"

"That's not the subject of our conversation-"

"Answer me."

"Because of your family." Cassiane informed him.

"Exactly. The family that abused me and nearly killed me and he knows that. Do you see, Cas? It doesn't add up."

"None of you have a real reason to be suspicious. I'm begging you, Sirius, talk with him when he returns from the first mission-"

"If he returns." He corrected her.

Cassiane pressed her lips in a line, surpressing some words she knew she would later regret using."It's obvious that we can't carry on this conversation. I forgive you, Sirius, because I f- I understand your pain. I miss Sharon, everyday and she haunts my sleep every night. I miss my brother, my uncle, my aunt, I miss Marlene, the Prewetts and Dorcas. And I know you do too, so I'll let you realise what you just implied and we can talk again when you feel ready."


Meetings used to be fun. Even when the Order was facing important challenges, the youngest members still tried to make light of the circumstances and not to worry too much. They knew, after all, that they were doing the right thing, fighting the bad guys and it had kept them focused, despite the problems that came up along the way.

Cassiane could feel everyone's eyes on her as she crossed the room. She could almost read their thoughts as sat on the round table, the one that once belonged to her and her friends. Most of them were probably wondering how the loud kids in the back of the room had disappeared. Some were staring at her scars and others actually seemed to care.

This time, only Peter was there, patiently waiting with a hesitant smile on his face.

"How are you holding up, Cas?"

"I'm getting better." She replied, which was partly true. She rarely was in pain anymore from her wounds but sleep deprivation caused other problems, such as headaches.

"That's good to hear." James peered from behind them, holding Lily's hand. "I haven't seen you in ages."

The redhead grinned at her. "It's really good to have you back Cassie."

Much to her dismay, Sirius sat at the other side of the table, as if Cassiane had some short of contagious disease. The others appeared to be aware of the reason behind the tension.

"Didn't Remus talk with him?" Lily whispered to her cousin just as Dumbledore walked inside the room.

"Nope. I did and let me tell you, it didn't go well."

"Yeah, I figured... Cas, we don't think that any of them is the person we're searching for."

Cassiane smiled, relieved that James and Lily were on the same page with her. "Me neither Lils. We just have to hope that they will grasp it soon enough."

She barely payed attention to the things that the Headmaster said and hurried to leave once it was over. Eventually, she took her time, due to the fact that Dumbledore wanted to have a word with the Potters, privately.

"What did he say?" She asked Lily, nearly bumping into her at the exit. Her playful smile faded at the sight of their troubled faces.

"There's been a prophecy, Cassiane."

"Okay, I could've never guessed that you'd say those words... Anyways, why are you both so upset? What's the prophecy about?"

"H- Harry." Lily stuttered. "It's about Harry."

A/N; hello everyone!
We are soo close to the end right now. It's incredibly hard to write those last few chapters, because we all know what's going to happen and... uh. I love them all so much.
Thank you a lot for reading, don't forget to comment and vote!
Athanasia ❤️

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