Chapter Five

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"How can you possibly not know what Quidditch is?" Peter asked Cassiane

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"How can you possibly not know what
Quidditch is?" Peter asked Cassiane. As they were waiting for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, they usually had plenty of time to talk.

She smiled innocently and waited for an explanation. Almost one month after she had started school had passed and she already felt much more accomplished as a witch. However, there still were a few things she didn't understand.

"Quidditch, is the most popular magical sport. I'm surprised you've never heard of it, because we don't only play it here at Hogwarts."

"In Greece the number of wizards and witches is extremely small and each year it declines. I doubt anyone plays Quidditch there."

Peter sighed. He hated flying and Quidditch definitely wasn't for him. It would be quite difficult to explain the game to Cassiane. Thankfully, James stormed into the room.

"Ah, James we were discussing about-"

"I'm the Captain! McGonagall verified it! I can't believe it!"

Lily, who was seating nearby, frowned and approached her cousin. "Prepare yourself Cassie. We'll never hear the end of this."

In contrast to Lily's belief, James quickly calmed down and took a seat next to Sirius. He remained completely silent and only opened his mouth to participate in the lesson.

Within the first five minutes, Cassiane noticed that Remus wasn't inside the classroom. "Where's Remus?"

"Oh, he didn't feel so good." Peter suspiciously responded and gave her a weak smile.

She didn't pay much attention to his reaction and once the lesson was over, she and Lily had a lovely picnic by the lake.

"I hate this lake. It seems bottomless and that giant squid has been hunting my dreams since my first year here." The redhead said.

"In my opinion, it's quite lonely." Marlene popped up from behind and lied on the grass.

"How can you tell, Marls?"

"Wouldn't you be lonely if you lived all alone for decades?"

"I guess." Cassiane agreed. She was too tired from studying to worry about a giant squid. In her opinion, the creature was just fine.

"Hey, is Potter really going to be the Captain?" Lily questioned Marlene who smiled proudly.

"Yeah! It's going to be the best year ever! Our team is awesome."

"As long as we win, I don't mind. Potter may be terrible in general, but no one can claim he's not good at Quidditch." Lily admitted.

"Am I dreaming? Did you say something nice about James?"

"Yes, Cassiane, I did and I would appreciate it if you didn't mention it to him."

"Okay, I promise."

Marlene ate some cherry pie the girls had brought with them and afterwards, they decided to pack up their things and return to the castle as some clouds appeared.

"Did any of you see Remus today?"

"No Cassie and I doubt Marlene did either." Lily said quietly.

"What? Why?" Cassiane whispered.

"Well, I suppose you have noticed those scars and I believe you deserve to learn the truth." Marlene explained. "Remus... has a life threatening skin condition."

"A skin condition?" She repeated in disbelief.

"Once in a month, he has those rushes that create more wounds on his face and the rest of his body but he hates talking about this." Lily continued.

"Alright, so where is he now?"

"At the infirmary. We are not allowed to visit him but he had to tell us everything a few years ago, since we noticed that he frequently disappeared."

Cassiane nodded, thinking that she finally knew the truth about her friend. "Poor Remus. This explains why he's so stressed all the time."


Remus woke up in the infirmary, covered with plenty of blankets, as always. He had no relocation of the previous night but he wasn't in a lot of pain which was definitely something positive.

Madam Pomfrey walked to his bed and handed him a large plate, filled with his favourite cake for breakfast.

"Mister Lupin, I didn't have the chance to inform you that Miss Evans volunteered to be my assistant earlier today."

He almost choked on his breakfast, after hearing those words. "Lily? Why would she-"

"No, mister Lupin. Her cousin, Cassiane."

"Didn't you let professor Dumbledore know? He can't possibly agree with that-"

"Of course I did! Not that it is any of your business, but the girl wants to become a physician and the Headmaster agrees that she should be given a chance to witness her future job first hand. Now, we don't have any intention of revealing something that she shouldn't know. I will always ensure she's not around when..."

Remus turned away, ashamed of his reaction. Cassiane had nothing but good intentions and his suspiciousness when it came to his lycanthropy was out of control. "I'm terribly sorry. Cassiane obviously has the right to learn more about her future career."

Madam Pomfrey smiled at him. "Mister Lupin, you shouldn't be apologising. It must be very hard to carry such a burden."

"Oh, how did it go, last night?" He asked, nervously picking his blankets.

"Excellent, as far as I can tell. It's the first time you had just one or two new wounds and professor Dumbledore introduced me to a new treatment that can help with your latest injuries."

"So, he can't do anything about the old scars..."

"I'm afraid that it only works with the fresh ones." She sighed and offered Remus a chocolate bar. "Mister Potter visited twice while you were asleep and he wouldn't leave until I swore to give you this. I have to keep my word you see."

Remus gladly accepted the gift from his friend. "Thank you. Do you think my friends could visit me today?"

"Oh yes, if you feel ready. Just make sure there won't be too many students around."

He nodded, hoping that the three friends wouldn't draw much attention, even though he knew that was impossible. Despite their flaws, Remus felt grateful to have them. He entirely attributed his lack of wounds and pain to their Animagus forms and appreciated how far they had gone to better his life.

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