Chapter Four

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"Remus, you were in there for almost an hour!" Cassiane told him, as they walked back to the Gryffindor Tower

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"Remus, you were in there for almost an hour!" Cassiane told him, as they walked back to the Gryffindor Tower.

"I noticed."

"So, what did she say?"

His face darkened which Cassiane couldn't explain. Although they barely had time to get to know each other she was attempting to learn more about the man behind the scars but everyone was being too secretive. Lily never answered about why those scars marked his face and the boys didn't even allowed her to pose her questions.

"She said I'll be a great professor, granted that I'll work hard and stay focused."

"That's good news! What makes you so stressed then?"

He awkwardly laughed, making light of his previous reaction. "Nothing. I'm fine."

As they turned around a corner, Remus noticed Sirius, who was arguing with a Slytherin. At first, he believed that his friend was having another fight with Snape but he then realised that it wasn't the case.

"Who's this boy Sirius shouts at?"

The werewolf look back and forth between Cassiane and the two brothers, unsure if he should explain to her who Regulus was. Eventually, he decided not to hide anything else from her.

"Keep walking and I'll explain. That's Regulus, Sirius's brother."

"I thought he lived with James-"

"He does, yes. But he also has a brother and as you perhaps already figured out, they're not really close anymore."

"Why did Sirius leave his house?" Cassiane asked, thirsty for answers which could help her understand the friend group a bit better.

"I can't tell you that. It's up to Sirius to share his story, but I wouldn't bring it up, if I were you."

"You're right Remus. Sorry for my inappropriate questions, I'm simply trying to catch up with everyone." She apologised, hoping that her indiscretion hadn't ruin any chances of being friends with him or the rest of Lily's classmates.

"Don't apologise! We should be more patient with you. This is a whole new start for you and your family and making new friends, getting used to the school must be hard."

"Yeah, I guess. Hey, do you want to give me a tour around the classroom in the afternoon? My brother has some free time right now and I'm going to meet him, but I'd really appreciate it, if you could show me around." Cassiane suggested. She couldn't quite comprehend why, but becoming friends with Remus was one of her priorities.

"I'm afraid I could never help you find your way in this place. It's enormous and I always manage to get lost. I'll ask James to do it instead, okay?" He responded.

Apart from wanting to push Cassiane away, in order to protect her, Remus also aimed to bring her and his friend closer. No matter how lovely Lily normally was, it was obvious that she was deeply disliked James and Remus was tired of that situation. He had to do something to help him and maybe Cassiane would be what James needed.

"Sure why not." She shrugged.


From the moment Philip heard the Hat's decision and sat at the Hufflepuff table, he knew he was alone. Lily and her friends belonged to a different house and he didn't know anyone in the entire school.

As his sister happily took her place among the Gryffindors, he forced himself to hold back his tears and make an effort to be approachable.

Next to him, there was a young woman who didn't stop talking during the entire night. He watched in awe as everybody around them listened to her and everything she had to add in the conversation. At the end, as most of the Hufflepuffs had already left to rest in their chambers, he attempted to introduce himself.

"Hey! I'm-"

"Philip Evans! I saw you and your sister earlier... Oh, I'm Faith by the way."

Faith turned out to be much lonelier than Philip had originally assumed.

"Meet my friends? You're my only friend." She confessed to him the next day, as they entered the Great Hall. "I was only being nice to those people last night. I almost forgot! I heard some girls say that they think you're very hot so you might gain even more popularity during breakfast."

She wasn't wrong. Many female Hufflepuff students approached him, which irritated the male ones. But Faith helped him sneak out of the room and together, they arrived at their first class.

"I hope you don't mind, but my sister is going to join us in a while." He admitted as they finished the lessons.

The cheerful woman shook her head. "I can't wait! She seems so nice!"

Truly, when Cassiane finally found them later, Faith immediately hugged her and Philip sighed in relief. The first day of school wasn't as terrible as he had expected.

"So, Philip, you made a friend!"

"Faith is from Hufflepuff and she's in her seventh year, just like me. I was lucky that she agreed to help me today."

Claire chuckled. "Yes, you were. Your brother is very nice and all, but he's awful at orientation."

"It runs in the family." Cassiane joked.

"Cassie, are Lily's friends worth meeting?"

"Sure! My favourite so far is Marlene McKinnon, but everyone was polite and welcoming."

"How about Severus Snape?" Faith giggled. "Don't tell me he was nice too!"

"As a matter of fact,Philip and I met him two summers before, but I figured he's not very popular or likeable..."

"Nah... I wonder how Lily likes him."

Philip nodded. "He always complains about the most random things."

"Oh, Cassiane, I also have to ask... Is Remus Lupin still single?" Faith added quietly.

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