Chapter Forty-One

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emus packed up a few things, wondering what he should take with him. He doubted the werewolves cared about clothes, but they definitely needed them.

A voice from downstairs alarmed him. He run down the stairs, only to see Cassiane, lying on the ground. She was squeezing Michelle, but the girl seemed petrified. "She's hurt!"

Remus gently pulled her away from the brunette and his eyes started from their sockets. She had dozens of cuts around her body, while more were created.

"Bloody hell." He cursed quietly, completely stunned by the sight. "Cas? Cas can you hear me, I don't know what to do!"

Cassiane seemed to be trying to speak, but every word was silenced by her sobs. "I... hospital... Sectumsebra."

Although he was unsure, he picked her up and rushed to the hospital, while praying that she wouldn't bleed out on his hands. Some nurses took her from his arms, but Remus couldn't say anything but the name of the curse. "It's Sectumsebra. I don't... I don't know why..."

He glanced at his hands, that were red from the blood. Cassie's blood. He collapsed on a chair, trying to wipe it off him, depserate to clear his skin from the bright red liquid.

"Oh my god..." He whispered and collapsed against the wall. There was so much of it on him, on his clothes. Remus headed outside if the hospital and created his patronus. He didn't care if muggles would notice, or that he looked like a serial killer. He had to let the others know.

Then, he stormed back inside and tried to find the nurses.

Maria Evans walked up to him and sighed, while pulling him into a hug. "It's okay, Remus."

" you don't understand-"

"Cassie is with our best healers now. They will do their best."

"Can I see her?"

"Not until the healers are done... Why don't you go back to your house and take a shower?" She asked, glancing at his clothes. "I'm sorry to point it out, but your appearance is scaring the rest of the patients."

"I can't, I won't leave until she's up."

"Okay." The woman gave up and forced him to at least sit down on a chair. "Can you tell me what happened to Cassiane?"

"I have no idea. She had just gone to Marlene's house- I have to make sure Marlene's okay."

"Don't bother." James growled. "Sirius already apparated there and he saw the dark mark, upon the house. Sharon and Michelle were inside. Did Cassiane manage to escape?"

"Michelle..." Remus mumbled, realising that he had left the girl alone, due to his panic. "I'll return in a moment."

Michelle was sitting on the couch and sighed in relief when she saw her godfather. "I thought you were angry."

He sighed in relief and took her little hand. "No one's angry at you. Michelle, do you remember who else was in the house with you and Cas?"

"Mummy and Marls and her family." The girl answered. "I don't think you will find them."

"We'll see." He said and glanced at a T-shirt he had left on the couch earlier. Perhaps he should change. After all, running around the streets, covered in blood wasn't a very clever idea.


Sirius had been taught from a very young age that crying was a weakness. He had been punished again and again, even when he hadn't managed to held back a few tears. But as the healers announced there was nothing they could do for Sharon (or anyone else they had found in the lake house) he cried.

He collapsed on the floor and he cried in someone's arms, he cried until he couldn't anymore. And then he saw Michelle, sleeping on Lily's lap. He picked himself up and hugged his little girl.

"She asked for you but James told me not to disturb you." Lily mumbled, wiping the mascara that was still running down her face. "She might ask for Sharon when she wakes up."

"Okay." Sirius replied, his voice hoarse. "I've got it." They had both lost Sharon and after all he was the adult that Michelle needed.

Remus couldn't bear to wait along with Sirius and the Potters. He couldn't stop shaking as he stood outside Cassiane's room with Peter. "What have they told you so far?"

"That they have no clue if she'll make it or not. Blood loss, torture and a knife wound close to her left lung... It doesn't really sound good."

"I'm sorry."

James joined them, rubbing his tired eyes with his hands. "Pads is a mess. He stumbled upon Sharon when he entered the scene."

"For Merlin's Shake... Will we ever get a break?" Remus asked.

"It's seven o'clock Remus... Weren't you supposed to leave today?"

He shook his head, smiling ironically. "I'm not going anywhere until I make sure Cassiane's going to be fine. And I don't care if Dumbledore himself shows up."

"But the Order-"

"No, Peter. I won't be helpful unless I know she's okay. It's my fault that Cassiane is in there, on her own, fighting for her life. If I had discussed about my plans with her, instead of announcing my departure, she'd be safe."

"And Michelle would be dead." James reminded him. "Trust me,Remus, Cassiane will be up in no time. But I agree that you can't go undercover, at least not yet."

"I can't believe that they're gone." Peter said, refering to Marlene and Sharon. "We were with them a few hours ago."

"I'm going to find that traitor." James growled. "And when I do, they're so screwed, because I'm going to ensure they suffer for this. For the people they took from us."

A/N; It physically hurts to write about Peter?!?!
Thanks a lot for your support, so far! Every single comment and vote is deeply appreciated.
See you tomorrow!
Athanasia ❤️

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