Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Would you like some pancakes?"

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"Would you like some pancakes?"

"Pancakes? Cas, it's 2 AM." Remus grinned, as she curled up against him. "I'm not even hungry."

Cassiane had just returned from her shift at Saint Mango's, but he hadn't slept due to the pain from his recent transformation. If it hadn't been for his friends, Remus could have hurt himself seriously, but Sirius' Animagus form was strong enough to prevent him from doing so.

"Okay, no problem. I'll eat them all on my own then." She threatened and stung her tongue while poking them with her fork. "You can just sit there and watch me eat-"

"Fine, I'll have some too."

She chuckled and brought another plate for him. "Thank you. Now, I also have a little something for you..."

"A job offer?"

"No, stop! My mum met with a friend yesterday and... we got another free vial of meds!" He furrowed his brows and sighed, confusing his girlfriend. "Rem, did I mention it was free? And effective?"

"I can't even buy pankillers on my own Cas... I feel terrible."

She shook her head, framing his face with her warm hands. "Remus, I love you, but sometimes you are completely stupid. You've been living with me long enough to know that I wouldn't settle for a life that I didn't want."

A small smile appeared on his lips as Cassiane lied by his side and cuddled with him. "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

The next morning they woke up on the couch, a little soar from the uncomfortable position they had slept in. Cassiane drugged her feet to the kitchen and glanced at the clock on the wall, before cursing under her breath. It was almost afternoon which meant that they had missed a meeting with the Order but at least, Remus had finally gotten some rest.

She chewed the inside of her cheek, searching for ingredients to prepare lunch. Remus had forgotten to go to the grocery shop, once again, but being a provident person, Cassiane had bought spaghetti, on her way home. "What would this man do without me..."

She checked on him and smiled, glad to see him relaxed. He didn't seem to be able to take a break, since the Potters' marriage.


"Yes, darling?"

He smirked and stood up, realising that he felt better than the previous night. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"About twelve hours, but don't worry, I let Marlene know yesterday that we might not make it to the meeting." She assured him, while preparing their lunch.

Somebody knocked on their door once again and Remus rolled his eyes before standing up and heading to the entrance. Sharon was standing at the doorway, looking completely devasted. "Where's Cassie?" She asked, nervously bitting her nails.

"I'm right here Sharon, what happened? Is Sirius and Michelle alright?"

"Yeah... But... There was a mission that failed." She replied and Remus noticed the blood in her hands. "Gideon, Fabian and... Philip."

Cassiane furrowed her brows, unable to understand what she meant. "Alright, let's go and find them, we're going to help them."

Remus sighed and caressed her back, trying to rephrase Sharon's words. "We can't do anything for them, anymore." He mumbled, while Cassiane teared up, finally realizing the truth about her brother and the Prewetts.

"I... I want to see him."

"Cas... Are you sure, that's not going to be easy-" Remus protested, but he was cut off.

"He's my brother!' She cried as tears streamed down her face. "He was... Oh God, I... I have to see him." Her memories of Philip flooded her mind and her knees felt weak. "Philip... Did anyone tell my parents?"

Sharon forced a smile and helped Cassiane move towards the couch. "Lily did and they are on their way, okay?"

"When did they..."

"Last night. Sirius apparated to the Headquarters because we just found out too. We haven't told anyone else yet, but if you want me to write a letter to someone, I will." Sharon explained and tried to hold back her tears too. She liked the three men and losing another three members hurt like hell. However, it didn't seem appropriate to express her despair in front of Cassiane, who was grieving for her brother.

"Lily knows, right?"

"Yes, don't worry." Remus assured her. "I can go to the headquarters too, Cas and find Sirius."

"Don't go out there." She whispered. "What if something happens to you? Sharon, we have to let their family know."

"Whose family?"

"Gideon and Fabian's... My family at least knows." She sobbed, tightly holding Remus' arm.

Sharon nodded and pulled out an envelope, in order to write the letter. She could only sent it to their sister, Molly, the only relative of the men they had met. Sirius appeared out of the house and Remus let him in. He had taken Padfoot's form, as an extra precaution. "Cassie I'm sorry."

Cassiane thanked him, fighting the urge to run to her bed and hide under her blankets. "Did you find out?"

"Yes... They were supposed to be on patrol and twenty Death Eaters appeared out of nowhere. Dumbledore said that someone betrayed them, because only the Order knew where they would be." Sirius informed them. "He hasn't told anyone else but there's a traitor among us."

"Did he tell you were they have them?" Cassiane asked. She chose to ignore the last piece of information for the moment. Her brother's death was painful enough.

"At the headquarters. Your parents will be there soon, so maybe we should go too."

She nodded, her eyes scanning the room to find a pair of shoes. Philip is gone. He's gone. She couldn't stop thinking of him, of the brilliant life he seemed to have ahead of him. He had made a name for himself while working at the ministry and helping the Order and all he got in return was a cruel ending, probably betrayed by the people he had tried so hard to protect.

Maria and Robert where already there when Cassiane and the others arrived, staring at the three bodies. While they had been hurt, they still looked peaceful, proud and brave.

"He died a hero. They all did." James stated, while he walked inside along with Lily.

Yes. Cassiane thought. My brother was a hero.

A/N; Heyy...
I loved Philip, which made this chapter hard to write, but I think it turned out nice eventually.
Thanks for reading,
Athanasia ❤️

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