Chapter Sixteen

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"He doesn't remember a single thing

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"He doesn't remember a single thing." James informed Cassiane and Philip the next morning. "He was opening some presents and he admitted that everything is blurry."

"Thank God!" She explained, sighing in relief.

"So... what's up with you two?"

"He kissed Cassie last night." Philip whispered.

"He did what?"

"Philip! James didn't need to know!" Cassiane shouted. "I was just trying to help Remus walk back to the castle and we kissed. It's not that important."

"Are you kidding me? He cheated on poor Faith... with you?"

She frowned, nervously picking the skin off her lips. "Okay, okay. We messed up! But he was drunk and I pulled back as soon as I could do it doesn't count."

Philip giggled. "Of course it counts. And in my opinion... you really liked it."

"That's it! I'm not having this conversation with you anymore." She declared and buried her face in her hands to hide her blushing. 

"You... you've got a crush on him." James spattered. "Wait till Sirius hears about this-"

Cassiane grabbed his arm, preventing him from moving. "No one can know. There already too many people involved."

"Cas! What if Remus recalls this... incident?"

"Well then... I'll face the consequences. Seriously though, none of you should have learnt about this stuff. Remus is clearly not interested."

Philip shrugged. "Whether he is or not, I don't feel comfortable with Faith not knowing the truth. She's on of the few friends I managed to make and she deserves to learn what's going on."

"Nothing is going on!" Cassiane hissed. "You're exaggerating, as always!"

"Why are you guys shouting?" Faith peeked from behind, carrying a pile of books. She smiled at the three teenagers, obviously unaware of the topic of their heated discussion.

"I was mad because Philip showed up late last night and didn't bring anything for Remus." Cassiane quickly explained, which wasn't a lie at all.

The Hufflepuff chuckled. "Oh Cassie, seventh year is incredibly hard! It's a miracle that we both found some time to actually attend the party."

"Don't you want to hear how Rem is?" Philip rose his brow.

"I paid him a visit Philip." She winked. "Now, if you will excuse us, but we're running a little bit late for our Herbology class."

"Bloody hell! It totally slipped my mind!" Philip admitted.

"We should hurry up too James. You see, professor McGonagall isn't particularly patient either."

James nodded and the Gryffindors walked together to their class. They sat close to Marlene and Lily, who were already informed about the previous night.

"It's alright girls. I got involved too." James assured them.

"Cassiane! What were you thinking?" Lily asked furiously, nearly knocking her books out of the table.

"James figured that Rem doesn't have a clue about yesterday and I'd never knew without his help, okay?"

Marlene smirked. "So... James, are you team Faith or team Cas?"

"Team Cas, of course!" He announced.

"Oh stop it!" Cassiane whispered.

Meanwhile, the professor had entered the classroom, seconds after Remus and Sirius, who both looked exhausted.

"Miss Evans, please take a seat in the front of the classroom. Oh, not you, miss, your cousin. Thank you. Now, open your books at page 256 and pay attention. Non verbal spells, as I believe you've already grasped will be vital for your exams, at the end of the school year."


"I hated this year." James mumbled. The friends had just taken their last exam and they were resting under some trees.

"Why Prongs?"

"We lost the Quidditch Cap-"

"Which was your fault." Lily reminded him.

"- I probably failed most of these exams-"

"Again, completely your fault..." Marlene added.

"- And Lily rejected you for the sixth year in a row." Peter concluded.

"Wow Pete. You really cheered me up mate."

Cassiane quickly lost interest in the conversation as Philip and Faith approached them. For the first time in a while, the seventh years looked calm and well rested.

Remus stood up and wrapped his arms around Faith's wrist. "How did you do?"

"Well, N.E.W.T.s are hard, as we've already said a thousand times but I'm pretty confident. Let's hope for the best."

"Faith, we're all sure you'll achieve all your goals." Cassiane smiled. "Congratulations!"

Philip frowned. "Hey, what about me?"

"Come on mate, let Faith have her moment." James joked and high fived him. "You both deserve many congratulations on graduating though."

Faith smiled at them and lied on Remus' lap. "Thank you! Did you guys do well?"

"I certainly didn't." Sirius stated.

Cassiane chuckled and glanced at James who was anxiously looking around. She easily figured the source of his frustration. Snape was wondering around them, staring at Lily. Without hesitation, James run towards him and hexed him.

The brunette didn't made out what spell James used, but the Slytherin was turned upside down, completely humiliated.

"Potter! Stop it! STOP!" Lily shouted, and drew her wand.

"Only if you accept to go on a date with me."

"Potter, I wouldn't pick you even if I had to chose between you and the Giant bloody Squid!" She growled. "No, leave. him. ALONE!"

James heard her and silently obeyed, although he didn't want to. Snape shot him a dirty look and fixed his robes. "You'll regret this Potter."

Lily hesitantly reached to help him but the Slytherin glared at her. "I don't need your help, Mudblood."

"Apologise to her!" James shouted, reusing the hex.

"It's not your fight James." Remus adviced him.

Once Snape was free from the spell he glanced at the previously joyful company and an evil smirk spread on his lips. "I'd hate to ruin this lovely day for you all... but if I were in your place, I'd want to know the truth about him."

Remus gulped as the Slytherin pointed at him with his wand. "Remus Lupin is an abomination. He's a werewolf."

A/N; Dramatic ending for the chapter :^). Thank you for reading and please don't forget to comment and vote. The next chapter will be published tomorrow

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