Chapter Thirty-Two

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Cassiane sighed in relief as she successfully apparated back to her house after a long shift at the hospital

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Cassiane sighed in relief as she successfully apparated back to her house after a long shift at the hospital. Apart from taking care of the patients, she also had to eavesdrop and gather useful information. That day in particular, a muggle man was brought in because he had been tortured by young Death Eaters.

She knocked on the door, hoping that Remus had finally started to decorate their house for Christmas. Instead of welcoming her, he grabbed her arm and pinned her against the wall.

"Remus what on earth are you-"

"Password. Now!"

"Okay, stop yelling at me!" She shouted back. "Melon." (elvish word for friend, from the Lord of the Rings)

Remus released her from his grip and stepped back. "I had to do it. One of the Death Eaters took the form of an auror and killed two people."

Cassiane stared at him, unsure of how she should react. On the one hand, he had been quite violent but she knew he didn't mean to hurt her, quite the opposite. "Alright. Please try to be a little less hostile, next time."

"I forgot to decorate." Remus mumbled, massaging his temples. "I'm sorry, I know that you were looking forward to it, but I stayed up all night after Gideon told me about that incident. There are way too many people walking around at the hospital, I don't think you should go there anymore."

"I appreciate the concern, Rem, but that's my job. You can't imagine how many patients they bring in each day and they constantly hire more people to help. Not to mention that the Order is counting on me."

He nodded. "I just wish someone was there, to protect you."

"I can take care of myself. I can't really say the same for you, Remus. You haven't done the dishes, your clothes are scattered all around the house and not to mention that you didn't decorate."

"Come on Cas, I already apologized for that!"

"Okay, let's go to sleep and we'll take care of that tomorrow." Cassiane suggested, offering her hand. Remus had trouble sleeping ever since his first encounter with Death Eaters and especially when she had a night shift, he would stay up all night.

"I'd rather read a book or something." He argued, as sometimes his nightmares were worse than staying up.

"Listen to me. You can't help anyone unless you actually take some time to rest and refill your energy. None of those things that have happened are your fault, okay?" Cassiane reminded him, while caressing his face. He eventually gave up, since she wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Where are we going for Christmas?" He asked as they cuddled in their bed. "I know that you have a couple of suggestions but I was hoping-"

"We're going to your parents' house." Cassiane replied.

Remus smirked and kissed her. "Thanks Cassie. You have no idea how much my mum appreciates it."


"I can't let you go outside like this." Remus said, with a stern tone.

"Really? And why is that?"

"Because you look absolutely breathtaking."

Cassiane rose a brow and showed off her long bright red dress. She nervously smiled at her boyfriend and handed him a box, tied with a ribbon. "Thank you, Rem. I got this for you."

He hesitantly took it and suspiciously glanced at her. "Please tell me that this isn't a prank."

The woman giggled. "I promise, it is a real gift."

He opened the parcel, keeping his body in a distance. However, Cassiane hadn't lied to him. There was an album for photographs inside of the box, which Remus hadn't been expecting. In the first page he saw the first picture they had taken together, during their sixth year. They were standing in front of the castle, proudly holding a Gryffindor flag and smiling.

He turned the page and found pictures of them with their friends. James, Lily, Peter, Marlene and Sirius were all there, along with the people they had met from the Order. "Cas, this is perfect... How did you find all those pictures?"

"Oh well, I've been collecting them for a while." She responded. "I think that it's a nice idea. I love photo albums so I thought that we should have one too."

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Hmm... I'm not so sure... Would you mind repeating it?" Cassiane requested with a smirk.

"Not at all. I love you, I love you and I... We're late!"

They arrived at the Lupins' house were Hope had been waiting for them at the garden. Her face lit up at the sight of Remus and Cassiane as she rushed to welcome them inside. "Oh, it's so good to see you again."

The couple hugged her tightly. Hope appeared to be worse than the last time they had visited her and Llyal confirmed it later, when she was upstairs. "Some days she needs help to walk or stand up and yesterday she asked me to call a lawyer for her will."

"I'm so sorry Mr. Lupin."

"Don't be." Hope replied, instead of her husband. She smiled at Lyal and took his hand. "I couldn't have asked for a better life. Of course we faced problems but we overcame them. Standing here, right now with Remus and you, my dear Cassiane is a blessing."

 That Christmas day with the Lupins was an experience Cassiane would never forget, as it was the last time she talked to Hope. A few days later she passed away while sleeping, with her husband next to her.

During the funeral, Cassiane held Remus' hand and stood by his side the entire time. All the Mauraders were there, in order to support their friend. Some Order members and Llyal's friends showed up, to honor Hope, a woman that had loved and had been loved truly and unconditionally.

Α/Ν; Heyyy!
I've always admired Hope so much... She has to be one of the kindest characters, considering that she was a Muggle that completely accepted Remus as a wizard and a werewolf.
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Athanasia ❤️

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