Chapter Nineteen

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"And then he kissed you?"

"No, Marls. I kissed him." Cassiane grinned, while the blonde stared at her in disbelief.

"Are you serious?"

"No she's Cassiane." Sirius interrupted them, taking a seat between the two girls. It was their last first night of school and they had agreed to meet at the common room once everyone had fallen asleep. "Where are the rest? Don't tell me they went to bed."

"Oh please Black, don't be ridiculous." Lily whispered and descended the stairs of her dorm.

Shortly after Remus, James and Peter joined them, the last two wearing matching pyjamas.

"This pattern is outrageous! Who did even think of buying this?" Remus wondered.

Cassiane smirked and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I did."

"Sorry, Cassie."

"It was her birthday gift and James loved it, as you can all tell." Peter informed them. Lily couldn't hide her amusement at how terrible the two looked and constantly glanced at them, smirking.

"Do you like it Evans?"

"Of course not! It never cease to amaze me how terrible your decisions are."

Cassiane curled up against Remus, enjoying the feeling of his warmth and scent. She had only dreamt about how beautiful a relationship with him could be and although not everything turned out the way she had expected, Cassiane couldn't stop smiling when he was around.

"What are you thinking, love?"

Her face lit up, as their eyes met. "James and Lily should start dating or we'll all lose our minds this year."

Remus brought a finger to his lips. "Stay quiet or your cousin will kill us without hesitation."

"Lovebirds! Stop whispering!" Marlene said out loud.

The couple laughed and participated in the discussion, which mainly involved the dark forces that seemed to be threatening the Magical word more than ever.

"My mother didn't want to let us come." James told them. "She's heard that Death Eaters are everywhere."

"Surely she must know how safe Hogwarts is!" Cassiane argued.

"I wouldn't exactly call it safe, Cas... The previous DADA professor was murdered somewhere near Hogsmeade." Remus reminded his friends. The weren't very found of him but still, no one would wish for something so terrible to happen to him.

"Please tell me you don't think that Hogwarts is secretly ruled by his servants!" Marlene exclaimed.

"No, I don't. However, I do believe that some of them live inside the castle." Remus stated, completely serious. Cassiane crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back on her seat. She had spent the majority of summer abroad and she had missed some of the current affairs.

Unconsciously, her gaze landed on Sirius. An uncomfortable silence spread among them and the man run a hand through his hair.

"Did you see me talking with Regulus earlier?" He wondered.

Remus nodded. "I did, but I'm not implying anything-"

Sirius bit the inside of his cheek. "He's with them. Regulus showed me the mark and everything."

Marlene knitted her brows. "He's so young..."

"What about the ritual? Aren't they supposed to be asked to... kill someone?" Peter asked hesitantly, receiving a glare from Cassiane.

"Yes, Wormtail, that's the rumours. I can't be certain about the procedure but my guess is that Regulus would not hesitate to kill anyone on his Lord's name."

"Sirius, your brother wouldn't-"

"Whatever he is, that's not my brother." Sirius growled. "Family is not solely determined by blood and I was lucky enough to find it out."

James smiled at him, before looking away. "What did Regulus say, Padfoot?"

"He asked me to join him."

For the second time, the teenagers stood in deafening silence. Cassiane nervously glanced at Remus who tried to smile reassuring, but he didn't feel safe either.

"Clearly, I denied." Sirius added. "But, he insisted I should ask you too."

"Us?" Cassiane exclaimed. "Why would he ever believe we'd side with them?"

Lily shrugged. "Fear can force people to do terrible things, Cassie."

"He specifically wanted to talk to you, Evans." Sirius confessed, a hint of smile on his lips.

"I thought they believed Muggleborns are inferior."

"They do but they like you. As far as I'm concerned, Snape's told them about your skills." He took a deep breath. "I had to transfer his message. Even though I truly hope that none of you is interested in this offer, I had to let you know."

"I still don't understand." Cassiane insisted. "They are... murders. We aren't even adults, how do they expect us to start doing their dirty business?"

"They are also powerful, Cassiane." Marlene explained. "Should one join them, they'll never have to worry about security, money or stability."

"Unless we finally defeat them and give those bastards what they deserve." James hissed.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Lily asked him, without the usual level of sarcasm. "It seems hopeless."

The Captain moved closer to her. "There's always hope, Lily. Although, I must admit that things look dim right now, we can win."

"We will win." Peter stated.

Sirius proudly looked at his friends. He didn't blame the girls for doubting about the future and at times he had doubts himself. "So, I'll tell Regulus to not count on any of us, right?"

"Definitely." Remus declared.

"Yeah, I'd rather Muggleborns weren't exterminated." Lily groaned.

"Alright, now that we figured some things out, how about we go to sleep?" Cassiane suggested. "We need to wake up quite early tomorrow."

"Aw, I'm not even sleepy." Peter complained, causing James to laugh.

Before Cassiane could return to her dorm, Remus grabbed her arm. "Care to accompany me to a walk around the castle, darling?"

"If the professors see us-"

"That's definitely not going to happen."

A/N; Heyy everyone!
Things are getting... serious, if you know what I mean. Thanks for reading, please don't forget to comment and/or vote.
Have a great day,
Athanasia ❤️

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