Chapter Forty-Six

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Remus and Cassiane were woken up early in the morning by the voices of a cheerful crowd that was passing by their house

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Remus and Cassiane were woken up early in the morning by the voices of a cheerful crowd that was passing by their house.

She immediately rose to her feet and gazed putside the window. She had a bad feeling about the incident. The crowd consisted of wizards and witchings, that wore distinctive robes and proudly sung.

Remus joined her and opened the window, keen to find out the reasin behind their happiness. However, he could only think of one thing that would cause those people to stop hiding. The Dark Lord's defeat.

"Excuse me? Hi, good morning, we were just wondering why you're celebrating, if you don't mind telling us."

Some people noticed them, but seem a little hesitant to speak up. Cassiane then showed her wand at them, gaining their trust.

"You-know-who is gone. Some claim he disappeared but others... others talk of s boy... What was his name again, Scott?" A woman asked her husband.

"Potter, I believe. Harry Potter."

Remus and Cassiane exchanged a quick look. They didn't allow the others to understand that they had recognised his name. "That's amazing! And how did a boy defeat him?"

"He survived."

"He's the Boy who Lived!"

"Buy a newspaper if you're so curious!" Someone exclaimed and the crowd moved on.

"I'll write to Peter." Cassiane stated and grabbed a piece of paper while Remus decided to send a message to the Order with his patronus. However, they didn't receive any answers. They had no way to contact anyone else.

Instead of a letter from their friends and acquaintances, the couple received one from Dumbledore. There wasn't any actual explanation included, only an address. "We have to go."

"No we don't." Remus argued, taking the letter from her. "We can't be sure that this is from him."

"It has his signature on the envelope and besides, I want to know."

Eventually, they both dressed up warmly and apparated to the address included in the letter. Remus still felt sick from the full moon so Cassiane helped him and offered her arm. "That's it, that's the place."

It didn't take them long to spot their Headmaster, since his clothes were quite special. "Cassiane, Remus, I'm glad you made it. I must admit that I had my doubts... Now, you might have already understood that Voldemort was defeated. However, I wanted you to learn the details from me."

They sat at a bench at the end of the road and the older man sighed. "The prophecy was fulfilled, for now, at least. I'm afraid that the cost was great. Despite our efforts to protect the Potters, I regret to inform you that Lily and James were murdered by him. They both died trying to protect Harry."

There was nothing the two could say. James and Lily were their best friends, their family, the people they always thought they would grow old with.

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