Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"I really screwed up this time, guys

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"I really screwed up this time, guys." Sirius muttered. "Sharon is pregnant."

Cassiane scanned him up and down, in disbelief, wondering if he had drunk more than he should have. "How are you so sure, Sirius?"

"I found a letter that she wrote for her mother. Merlin, what am I going to do?" The fear in his voice, made the couple understand that he wasn't pulling another of his famous pranks.

"Where's Sharon now?" Remus asked, while Cassiane brought a glass of water for their friend.

Sirius gazed at the window. "We just moved in so she offered to go to the store nearby. I would have gone in her place, but I couldn't... I  can't handle this on my own."

The woman handed him the glass, encouraging him to stand up from the bed. It was one of the few times that Sirius had lost his usual calm attitude and she hated watching him in that state. "Sirius, I doubt you haven't already thought about it, but right now, you should be with Sharon. I understand how scared you are and honestly, I think that you are doing great, so far."

"What if I don't want to do this?"

Remus knitted his brows, as Cassiane sighed. "You can't just walk away from her!"

The other man hid his face in his palms. "We were at school three months ago, a war has started and people we knew are already dead. And on top of this madness, you expect from me, to raise a child? I have no clue how to be a father, mine didn't even love me!"

The bell rung and Cassiane hesitantly headed to the door, but Remus stepped in front of her. "Let me, this time Cas." He drew his wand and opened it using a spell. Sharon waved at them and sniffled her nose. Her puffy eyes gave away the fact that she had been crying.

"I'm not sure where to go." She said quietly.

Remus gently pulled her inside and double locked the door, to ensure that no one would try to sneak inside. Meanwhile, Sirius entered the hall and Sharon glanced at him, before falling into his arms. "I'm- I'm..."

While he was still trying to process the news himself, Sirius smiled at her. "I know."

"My parents won't help me." She whispered, as her eyes watered.

Cassiane grabbed Remus' sleeve, leading him back into the bedroom, in order to leave the others alone. They stood in silence, staring at each other and hoping that their friends would figure it out.

"Do you think he will..."

"No, of course not!" Remus objected. "I can tell that he'll be a great father and he just has to believe in Sharon and in himself."


Cassiane closed the book she had been trying to read for the past two hours. She hadn't finished but one chapter and there was no point in trying to calm her nerves by reading. She aimlessly strolled around the living room, as the floor beneath her was shaking and the werewolf's muffled voice could be heard, despite the spells that had been used to block the howls.

It was the first full moon that she was spending all alone with Remus and to say that it would be easy, was a lie. None of the boys could make it, to help with their Animagus forms. Sirius and James had been ordered to go on their first important mission, while Peter, Philip and the Prewetts were at a meeting of the Order.  

Cassiane decided to keep herself busy, as Remus had given her firm orders to not enter the basement for any reason, until the sunrise.  She wrote a letter to her parents, describing the details of her job at Saint Mango's, as all of the Order's members were not allowed to talk about their true causes in letters.

On their dinning table, Cassiane found a picture they had taken their last week of training. It was crazy to think how drastically their lives had changed since then. In that moving picture, Sirius was playfully throwing water at Sharon and a few weeks later,they had learnt they would soon become parents.

After the first shock, Sirius had been really supportive, which relieved everyone. Poor Sharon was beginning to adjust to her new life, with all of those new people and as if that was not enough, she also had to raise a baby, in the middle of a war.

"The sun is up!" Cassiane said to herself and run at the basement, to unlock Remus. It took a while, since she had to break a few charms, but eventually, she rushed inside.

Remus was curled up in the floor, lying in the middle of a small puddle of blood. His body was covered in fresh deep wounds probably worse than every other time Cassiane had seen him right after the moon.

"Remus." She whispered and shakingly helped him walk to the couch. He was in need of medical attention and thanks to her research on werewolves she was capable of helping him.

"Can you hear me Rem?"

"Hmm..." He mumbled, before crying in pain as Cassiane tried to clean his back from the blood. "No, don't touch me."

She forced his head back in the pillow and giggled. "Why not?"

"You might get your hands dirty. There was quite a lot of blood."

Cassiane laughed loudly and continued working on his wounds and cuts. "It's okay, don't worry about it, I'm wearing gloves. "

"Oh, okay. Did I spilled any blood around the house?"

"Remus Lupin, you're the only person in this world that worries about getting the house dirty, while you're pretty much bleeding to death." Cassiane joked and carefully muttered a few spells. Even though she couldn't heal him completely or make the brand new scars disappear, she had stopped the bleeding, which was her priority, after all. "Let's get you some clean clothes and a few painkillers."

"No, don't leave me." He pleaded, as his pained and tired mind didn't understand that she would only leave for seconds.

"I'm here." Cassiane assured him. "I will never leave you."

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