Chapter Thirty-Five

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We have a letter!" Remus called excitedly, bringing a smile to Cassiane's face. She grabbed the letter from his hands and hid it behind her back. "I love that you react like you don't know what it's about. Didn't you write it?"

"Yes, Remus, but we're talking about the most exciting thing that has happened to us in years! "

He giggled, giving up and allowing her to keep the letter. "Alright Cas, at least read it out loud for me, will you?"

Cassiane nodded and proudly announced; "Its an invitation for James and Lily's wedding!"

Remus opened his mouth, pretending to be taken aback from the news. "Really? Merlin, you'd think they would have told me. Oh wait. They did. At least one thousand times."

"Come on, Rem, wouldn't you be excited to get married and have a baby on the way?"

His smile faded and Cassiane dropped the subject. Despite living together since their graduation, Remus strictly avoided to discuss such matters. No matter what Cassiane would say, he still thought of himself as someone very dangerous and didn't even dare to think of the possibility of a normal life, after the war.

The next few days, everyone had a chance to take a break from the harsh reality. They frequently visited the couple, giving them a hand with the wedding preparations and congratulating them.

"Can I see your wedding dress now?" Marlene pleaded as Lily searched around the house for some jewelry her mother had left her.

"No, you're going to see it tomorrow."

"But tomorrow's the wedding!" Cassiane argued.

"Exactly. You two really need to calm down a little. You're supposed to be helping, not to drive me mad."

A muffled voice coming from the garden, lead them there, only to find Michelle seating on the ground, next to a black dog. The young girl was running her small hands through his fur and chuckling.

"Did he..."

"Black, what on earth are you doing?" Lily shouted at him, anxious about Michelle. Then, Prongs jumped out of a bush, making the girl laugh loudly. "That's it. I'm calling Sharon." She growled, picking up Michelle and carrying her away from the Animagus.

To her surprise, Michelle reached her hands to the men, wanting to return to them. Lily groaned, leaving her to James and Sirius. "Why do I even bother..."

James turned back to his human form, a huge grin plastered on his face. "I have the feeling that Michelle is going to be the coolest kid in her house."

"In the house?" Sirius asked. "No, she's going to be the coolest in her bloody school. Just like her dad."

Marlene rolled her eyes and whispered to Cassiane; "Let's hope she won't be too much like her dad."

The wedding was going to take place the next day and some of them spent the day at the Potter's house. Remus arrived, along with Peter late at night, after they finished their duties from the Order. The next day everyone woke up quite early, in order to give the couple a hand and prepare for the ceremony.

"What are you going to wear?" Cassiane asked Remus, knowing that he didn't have a lot of formal clothes.

"This almost brand new black suit that my dad bought ten years ago and has never worn because he didn't have anywhere to go." He replied, making fun of his father, even though he knew that he wouldn't wear it a lot of times either.


"Very. What about you, Cassie? What did you select from your collection for today?"

"This one." She replied, pointing at a plain light blue dress. "It's not my most impressive dress, but today's Lily's turn to shine!"

"Well, in my opinion, you'll look gorgeous, just like always." He grinned and kissed her. Cassiane had butterflies in her stomach, as he touched her, wishing they were back to their place, all alone.

"We have to go-" James walked inside, but immediately turned around and waked out of the room. "Next time, at least close the bloody door!"

They broke apart, grinning, while James still stood at the entrance. "Are you done, lovebirds?"

"You act like you're waiting for marriage to touch Lily." Cassiane teased him.

"I believe that the baby we're expecting proves quite the opposite." He replied, gaining a glare from Remus who closed the door on him. "This is still my house Lupin!"

Minutes later, the two went to the living room wearing the clothes they had selected. Remus stayed with the men that had gathered there while Cassiane headed to Lily's bedroom, were the bride was getting ready.

Sharon was carefully curling Lily's hair and Marlene was doing her makeup. She hadn't hired anyone, due to the fear of disguised Death Eaters. Lily glanced at her cousin and smiled brightly. "How do I look Cas?"

"You're beautiful." She replied sincerely. Cassiane thought of how much their lives had changed since their seventh year at school, perhaps for the best. Her friends were or would soon become parents and Lily was getting married to James Potter, the boy she used to hate.

"Cas, are you with us?" Marlene asked, snapping her fingers in front of her. "We have to go."

The ceremony was relatively small, considering that neither the groom nor the bride had invited a lot of relaives. Lily's sister never showed up, but Robert and Maria Evans were there for her, as always. Robert actually walked Lily down the aisle and whispered something to them, making the couple smile. Cassiane stood by her side, as a bridesmaid along with Marlene and Sharon.

Remus winked at her from his seat, as everyone clapped loudly, for the newlyweds.

A/N; Heyyy!
I'd love to hear about your day and your opinion at the comments. Thanks for reading!!!
See you tomorrow,
Athanasia ❤️

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