Chapter Eight

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"You won't get away with this

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"You won't get away with this." Cassiane whispered to Remus as they were waiting outside the pitch. It was almost time for the first Quidditch match of the year but Peter was late and they had promised to wait for him.

"With what, Cassiane? You've heard about my health issue, there's nothing more to say."

"Do you honestly believe that I am that stupid? I saw your wounds and they were way to deep to heal so quickly."

The man laughed, in order to make light of the situation. "Madam Pomfrey must be something supernatural then... Perhaps, a witch?"

Cassiane held back her smile, because in spite of the good quality of the joke, she wanted some real answers. "I meant that not even a spell or a potion could do what I saw."

Peter finally appeared, carrying some homemade snacks for his friends and himself. "What are you two shouting about?"

"It's nothing to worry about, Peter. How about we go to our seats? The match is about to start." Cassiane pointed out.

"Okay... I told you to wait because Philip offered to sneak us on the Hufflepuff side of the pitch. They have a much better view of the game and plus, Remus gets to see his darling."

Remus blushed and avoided Cassiane's confused face. "She's not my darling."

"Are you kidding Moony?" Peter exclaimed. "You've done nothing but talk about Faith ever since we met her."

Cassiane took a deep breath and forced herself to smile. "What a lovely idea Peter. I can't wait to hang out with her and my brother."

"Aww Cas, how sweet." Philip teased her. "Sorry I'm late, professor Sprout was quite suspicious. Let's move, or we'll lose all the fun!"

The seats Philip had kept for them were truly some of the best. Sirius had managed to sneak inside, along with the Hufflepuffs and invited Cassiane to sit between him and Faith. The brunette at first thought about offering the seat to Remus, but she never did it. She couldn't bare to watch him and Faith as a couple.

"You seem a little bit nervous, Cassie." Sirius commented.

"Oh, I'm only stressed about the game! Someone in the library informed me that Ravenclaw has quite a good team." She lied convincingly.

"They used to win all the time until our team beat them last year." Faith verified. She was constantly glancing at Remus and by the stylish outfit and the lovely rose perfume she was wearing, Cassiane understood that she was trying to make a good impression.

Professor's Hooch whistle marked the beginning of the first Quidditch match of the school year. James, Marlene and the rest of the Gryffindor's players took off and Cassiane spotted Lily cheering loudly at the other side of the pitch.

"Philip, we forgot to tell Lily!"

"Nah, Faith invited her. She prefers to watch Quidditch alone."

"That's true." Sirius stated. "Evans can't fly on a broomstick to save her life, but she's the number one supporter of our team."

The siblings and Faith chuckled. Then, everyone in the pitch gasped as a Bludger was sent directly to James's stomach by a Ravenclaw beater. He folded in pain but kept going. Surprisingly, the Gryffindor captain not only didn't allow the incident to affect him, but also managed to score a goal in no time.

"That's what those golden poles are needed for." Cassiane said, mainly to herself but Peter giggled.

"You remind me of myself when I first learnt about Quidditch."

Marlene flied almost next to them as she tried to distract the opponents' seeker, a young girl no older than thirteen. Remus anxiously crunched some popcorn and Cassiane decided to mimick him.

"Do you think James can win?"

Sirius rose a brow and dramatically glared at her. "You... don't?"

"Don't worry Cassie. You're already ahead of them." Faith reassured her. Cassiane nodded, unsure of why she was being so nice to her. The possibility that the Hufflepuff aimed to get closer to Remus had crossed her mind but sometimes she wondered if Faith truly was that nice.

"Thanks Faith. Which side are you with?"

"Oh well, I've always supported Gryffindor, unless we play against each other." She replied and gave a toothless smile to Remus who had turned around to look at her.

"McKinnon just stole the Quaffle from Fitz... She's ready to score and... SHE SCORES! 50 point for Gryffindor and 30 for Ravenclaw!" The Quidditch commentator announced.

"YES!! MARLS!!" Cassiane cheered, excited that her friend was the one to score.

Meanwhile, Faith changed seats with a classmate of hers and managed to be next to Remus. One look was enough to make out that he was uncomfortable yet he quietly chatted with her.

"I bet my leather jacket that she'll lean to kiss him and he'll scream." Sirius whispered, making Cassiane chuckle.

"Don't be mean, Sirius." Peter scolded him. "Remus must be so excited right now."

"If I didn't know him, I'd say he's having a panick attack."


"I'm joking, Cassie." He assured her.

Philip drew their attention back to the match. Gryffindor had scored two more times and the opposite team appeared to be struggling.

"Who's your Seeker?" Philip asked the boys.

"She's Gryffindor's Head Girl. Sirius asked her out last year and she got him with her broomstick." Peter mentioned and everyone burst in laughter.

"He didn't!"

"Of course I did! She's hot and so am I. It's not my fault that I'm too young and immature."

Philip crossed his arms. "Then whose fault is it?"

Their entertaining conversation was suddenly stopped as the Head Girl grabbed the Snitch, just a few seconds before Ravenclaw's Chaser had the chance. All the Gryffindors cheered at their top of the lungs and a few Hufflepuffs clapped respectfully. Cassiane noticed that McGonagall also celebrated their victory and so did the Headmaster.

In fact, she could have sworn he winked at James, who enjoyed being surrounded by his overexcited teammates.

A/N; Hello!!!!
I hope that you're all doing great!! Thanks for reading, don't forget to comment and vote!
Athanasia ❤️

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