Chapter Seven

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"Did you see them, last night?"

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"Did you see them, last night?"

Cassiane rolled her eyes, fighting the urge to yell at Lily and forced a smile. "Oh yes. You don't think that this could actually work out, do you?"

"Of course I do! It's the first time I've ever seen Remus so nervous and happy." She said, lowering her voice as the two were in the library, doing research for Transfiguration.

"Really? Well, I doubt that a girl like Faith would ever date him. She's-"

"That wasn't very kind, Cassie and I think you're wrong."

Cassiane massaged her temples, instantly regretting her rude words. "I don't know why I said all that. I should go, Lils. Madame Pomfrey finally allowed me to go and help today."

"Okay! Please be supportive of Remus's flirt, will you? I'm sure he will appreciate it." Lily adviced her.

"Yeah, I will." Cassiane promised and headed to the infirmary. She could have never guessed that Faith would be interested in Remus and she needed some time to reflect on her actions.

However, Madame Pomfrey had other plans. "Welcome miss Evans! You must have many questions but today we'll try to test your abilities immediately."

Cassiane frowned. The nurse had never allowed her to touch any patient before and only encouraged her to read plenty of books related to medicine, written by both Muggles and wizards. "Are you sure? I have almost no experience with real patients."

"It's going to be relatively easy. Alright, please sanitise your hands and wear this special uniform."

She used her wand, a "Cypress wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½" and suprisingly swishy flexibility"   to follow the instructions and mentally prepared to face her "patients".

First of all, Madame Pomfrey led her to a first year with a bloody nose. She had initially stopped the bleeding using a Muggle technic, but asked from Cassiane to use her magical abilities since he had started bleeding again.

Using a simple spell, she was able to stop it and the young boy was relieved. "Thank you miss."

She giggled and ruffled his hair. "Call me Cassiane."

That was when Remus run into the infirmary and almost stumbled upon Cassiane. One of his wounds was heavily bleeding and he looked terrified.

"Madame Pomfrey! They reappeared!" He shouted desperately and the older witch approached him.

Cassiane had no idea how she was supposed to react but thankfully, her "mentor" was calmer and better prepared for this type of situations. She was instructed to bring some warm towels, a cup of water and a bottle filled with a strange liquid.

"Thank you miss Evans. Now, go outside if you'd please and wait for me to call you again."

Cassiane nodded and made her way out of the room. She could tell that Remus was ashamed of being seen in that condition. While his skin condition was anything but a secret among his friends, they never discussed about it because he felt uncomfortable.

"Great." She mumbled. "As if yesterday wasn't enough, now we'll be even more awkward."

As she gazed at the corridor, she spotted someone strolling around. Despite the distance, she realised it was Severus Snape, the boy Lily used to be best friends with. Once he figured his presence was no longer a secret he tried to leave but Cassiane spoke to him.

"I know you're there Severus. What do you need?"

He glared at her but moved towards her spot. "Where is he?"



Cassiane furrowed her brows, unsure of whether she should be honest or not. "He felt unwell and went to the infirmary."

The man laughed ironically. "Unwell? That's what he told you?"

"Well, we didn't really say anything-"

"Never mind, I don't care. Wait a second, you were with Lily earlier today."

"Yes, at the library." She reminded him.

"Right. How's Lily? Is there any chance you could convince her to talk with me?" His tone had completely changed within seconds, attempting to make the girl empathize him.

"I won't get involved Severus, I'm sorry."

Severus cursed under his breath. "I didn't do anything wrong, you know. She should give me a chance."

Cassiane sighed, already disappointed with his behaviour. "Again, I have no reason to get involved. You could discuss this matter with Lily if you'd like."

The Slytherin was visibly upset but also clever enough to grasp that she wouldn't help him approach Lily. "I see. Before I leave you in peace, Cassiane, I'd like to give you a piece of advice. Stay as far away from Lupin as possible." Without giving any further explanation, he left.

She barely had any time to speculate about Snape's comment when Madame Pomfrey opened the door. "You can come now, miss Evans."

Despite being covered in blood a few minutes earlier, Remus looked much healthier and cleaner. In addition, a few of the newest wounds had been healed, something which they young witch had never witnessed before.

"How did you do that?" Cassiane demanded to know.

"It's the result of a demanding spell, combined with a new treatment I've been experimenting on, to relief mister Lupin from the effects of his skin condition." The Matron explained and gently pushed Remus, in order to convince him to stand up from her chair.

"Am I free to leave, madam?" He wondered.

"Yes, mister Lupin. Keep in mind that you have to pass by tomorrow morning."

Remus squeezed Cassiane's hand on his way out, letting her know that he would explain everything later. She probably blushed a little bit while her heart was pounding on her chest.

"This isn't exactly how I had hoped this day would go but I suppose you still learnt something useful."

Cassiane smiled at her. "I did, madam. This job is unpredictable and difficult but there's nothing I'd rather do. Today I realised that this is the best way to protect others."

The older woman didn't hide her satisfaction. "Then, I will expect you tomorrow, after your classes, miss Evans."

A/N; Hey everyone!!!
I hope that you're doing amazing! Please keep in mind that I don't own any of the gifs I use. I download them all from Pinterest, so credits to the people that worked really hard to make them!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment and vote!
Athanasia ❤️

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