Chapter Two

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None of the seven teenagers had spoken in a while, as they couldn't figure out what to say

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None of the seven teenagers had spoken in a while, as they couldn't figure out what to say. James had already been yelled at by Lily for complementing her and the boys had already introduced themselves.

"I thought that you Gryffindors were braver." The brunette teased them and slowly broke the ice.

"We normally are, trust me. We're just a little shocked that Evans has a magical relative." Sirius admitted and Cassiane nodded.

"Yeah, it makes sense. I could explain it to you, if Lily doesn't mind."

"It's your choice Cassiane. I warned you to stay away from them but Marlene had other plans." She glared at the third woman.

"Don't be mad at Marls! I would meet your friends eventually. After all, they really don't seem as bad as you described them!"

"We're here!" James reminded them.

"We know." Lily hissed. "Go on with the story, Cassie."

"It's quite simple actually. Our fathers are brothers and muggles. My dad worked as an archaeologist in Greece when he met my mum and he decided to stay there. We came to England two weeks ago."

"Why did you come back?" Peter questioned.

"My mum is a witch and she was offered a position at Saint Mango's hospital. She's still struggling a little with English but-"

"Hold on, so your mother is a witch?"

"Yes Remus. This is why I have magical abilities. It's a really weird coincidence." Cassiane told them.

"Do you have any siblings?" James asked, keen to learn more information about Lily's family.

"I do! My brother, Philip is on the train and he's a year older than us." She answered.

"We shouldn't have left Philip on his own though." Lily pointed out.

"He asked for it." Her cousin assured her and smiled at the boys. "I truly hope I'll be shorted into Gryffindor! I don't know anyone from the other houses!"

"I'm sure that even if the Hat places you in a different house you'll be just fine." Remus said, causing her to smirk.

"Won't it be embarrassing to be shorted with the first years?"

"No, Sirius, I don't think so. My height will help me blend in with the first years."

Lily chuckled. "This certainly doesn't apply to your brother. You can't possibly imagine how whiney he's been."

Cassiane sighed. "Philip is so reluctant about moving to England that he complains about everything."

"We short of bombarded you with questions." Peter began. "But I was wondering if you went to some kind of magical school."

"Back in Greece, mum was the only tutor we had but professor McGonagall tested our abilities and allowed us to join you guys."

Remus glanced over his shoulder and spotted the Hogwarts Castle. Despite being excited about the new student, he hadn't failed to notice her staring at his scarred face. He was convinced Cassiane would hate him, just like the majority of students in the school did.


Philip and Cassiane Evans were called along with the first years to take part in the Shorting ceremony. While the siblings quickly gained the attention of everyone in the room they both looked very calm and focused, as if the whole school wasn't pointing at or chatting about them.

"Hey Evans!" Sirius whispered. "You know your cousins much better than we do. Where do you think the Hat will put them?"

She knitted her brows and observed them carefully. "I can only be sure that they don't belong to the same house. They are very different people."

Professor McGonagall started calling the young students who were patiently waiting in line. A few minutes later, Cassiane's name was heard.

She hesitantly sat on the wooden toll and the professor placed the Hat on her head. Remus anxiously watched the magical item which was examining where it should place the girl.

"GRYFFINDOR!" It exclaimed two minutes later and Cassiane quickly stood up, heading to her table. Lily was proudly clapping and everyone welcomed the newcomer.

Philip's case was much easier for the Hat. It barely touched his head before announcing; "HUFFLEPUFF!" Cassiane worryingly looked at her brother as he sat on the table of his house. In spite of their regular heated arguments she truly hoped they would both belong in Gryffindor.

"How do you feel Cassie?" Lily wondered and served her some hot soup.

"Anxious. And a little bit excited."

"That's normal. Don't worry about Philip, alright? He won't be on his own all day long. We usually share a lot of classes with Hufflepuff."

"Thanks Lily. Hey, isn't that your friend... Damn, I can't recall his name-"

"Severus Snape." James hissed as the Slytherin approached their table.


"What did you do this summer Snivelus? You certainly didn't have a bath. Your hair still looks greasy."

Snape wasn't affected by the offence. "On the other hand, you look like you spend all your vacations sunbathing like the idiot you are."

Cassiane stood in the middle of them. "Let's calm down a little bit, shall we?"

Snape nodded and backed off. He had met Lily's beloved cousin before and he was clever enough to listen to her.

"Isn't it past your bedtime Snivelus?" Sirius joined in. "You should hurry and drink your milk."

"Will you ever shut up?" Lily growled, finally breaking her suspicious silence. "I'm going upstairs."

"I'm coming with you-"

"No you aren't Potter." She stated and grabbed Cassiane's hand, leading her outside the Great Hall. She happily followed her, relieved to go to sleep after a long day.

"Lily... Stop running for God's sake! What happened between you and Severus?"

"Nothing in particular. He wasn't very keen to hang out during summer and we drifted away." Lily answered, clearly hiding some information.

"Keep you secrets then. Arguing with you is the last thing I want to do.

A/N; Hey everyone! I really hope that you enjoy the story so far! It would mean so much if you could add my story to your reading list, recommend it to a friend or vote and comment.
Have a great day and know that my DMs are open all day long, if you need anything.
Athanasia ❤️

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