Chapter Six

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"The only good thing about going to school is that we are finally allowed to use our wands

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"The only good thing about going to school is that we are finally allowed to use our wands." Lily commented while curling Cassiane's hair.

Marlene frowned, as she was on the floor, surrounded by books and notes she needed to do her homework. "No, school only has drawbacks. Look at all this notes! I'll never go through all this to prepare the essay on the defence against Dementors! And who gives a damn about them, anyways?"

"Marlene, you have to stop or you won't get ready on time for Halloween!" Cassiane reminded her.

"Nah, I'm not coming with you guys. Even Sirius has finished his homework and I also have the tryouts tomorrow, first thing in the morning!"

Lily temporarily stopped working on her cousin's hair and angrily walked around their bedroom. "Potter is so useless! You haven't chosen the members of your team yet?"

"Yep. He preferred to spy on the choices the other Captains made, first. There's a rumour that Regulus Black was selected as a seeker." Marlene proudly gossiped, since she completely agreed with James's tactics.

"I saw him at the beggining of the school year. He was arguing with Sirius and Remus adviced me not to make a big deal about it." The brunette confessed.

"He was right. Let's finish with your hair and go to the feast. Marlene might be searching for an excuse to go to sleep early but you and I are going to party."

Lily soon finished and the cousins were greeted by the Marauders in the Common Room.

"You look great." Peter complimented them both and they grinned.

"So do you Pete."

James offered Lily his arm but she immediately refused. Cassiane wasn't certain that her cousin truly hated the Quidditch captain and she had begun to think that she was much more likely to be faking it, due to her stubbornness.

"Come on Evans! That's me being kind and responsible!"

"And I have already refused to take your arm. If you really were that kind, you would have respected my choice."

"Where's Marlene?" Remus cleverly interrupted them. He had have enough of James and Lily arguing.

"She's doing her essay."

"Is she? I remember how much she laughed at me last year when I was late to one Quidditch match to catch up with homework. Perhaps she can understand now." Sirius joined in.

"Are we ever going to leave?"

"Sure. Go first Wormtail, we're behind you."

"Why did Sirius called him Wormtail?" Cassiane quietly questioned Lily who still appeared to be mad at James.

"They all have some stupid nicknames, which makes absolutely no sense."

"You should probably calm down a little bit Lils, otherwise you won't be able to enjoy yourself at the feast." She adviced the red haired.

"Alright, I'll relax."

They had barely sat on their seats when a tone of delicious plates appeared in front of them and spectacular decorations filled the Hall. The professors that had obviously created them, were applauded by the majority of students.

"Look how excited James is!" Cassiane exclaimed as the man was thrilled to taste the food and see the decorations.

"Halloween is his favourite holiday." Sirius grinned. "I've never seen him getting so happy about anything else. Well, maybe Evans but at least he actually stays happy for more than a few seconds."

Lily rolled her eyes and spotted Philip who walked near their table.

"Oi Philip! Come here, I want you to meet my friends! I don't have to introduce Lily, but this is James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew." His sister informed him.

"Gentlemen, it's a pleasure."

"The pleasure is all ours." Remus said politely and invited him to join them.

"I'd love too but then my best friend will be left alone." Philip replied.

"Then bring her here! She's welcome too!" Lily encouraged her cousin and the Hufflepuff disappeared for a while.

When he returned with Faith Hunter, Remus was taken aback by her beautiful face, which didn't escape Cassiane's notice. She felt terribly jealous of the way he looked at Faith, as if she was some short of fairy.

"Stop staring, Cas, otherwise I might believe you have a crush on Lupin." Philip teased her and she giggled. However, Cassiane realised the truth. She had feelings for him, otherwise she wouldn't be experiencing such jealousy.

Faith and Philip got along great with everyone and Cassiane had to pretend that everything was fine. Even when Remus begged her to switch places so he would be closer to the Hufflepuff, she managed to contain herself. After all, she had no right to be angry.

By the end of the night, every member of the company, had figured that Faith and Remus were openly flirting. Philip winked at the other man, in an attempt to encourage him to go on. On the other hand this situation angered Lily even more since James became "romantic" and gave her a bat cookie.

Cassiane tried to keep herself busy by walking around the other tables, eating, drinking, dancing with her brother and discussing various matters with her friends. She hoped that by the next morning her stupid crush on Remus would simply disappear just as suddenly as it had appeared.

"Can I have your attention, please? Thank you. All your professors and I did our best to ensure that you would enjoy this night, which was achieved, apparently. Unfortunately, it is getting late and I see that many of you are already very tired. Start leaving the hall slowly please and go to your chambers." Dumbledore spoke and they did as he ordered.

Cassiane run ahead of the girls and locked herself in the bathroom, where she was able to take a shower and relax. It was unfair to blame Faith or Remus. She could only blame herself, for being too scared to admit that she liked Remus, maybe a little too much.

A/N; Heyyyy!
I'm so glad that some of you guys are sticking around and reading my chapters!
I just wanted to apologise for not updating yesterday, because I promised to update daily, but I got caught up with homework.
Anyways, I hope that you and your families are doing great and know that my DMs are always open!!!!
Athanasia ❤️

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