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IT wasn't long after wilbur had realised his newfound feelings for y/n that he asked her out.

she accepted grinning widely and hugging him happily.

the relationship was great!

at first.

y/n convinced herself she'd never been happier, wilbur would be over whenever he wanted.

he was sweet, the romantic, shy boy most people didn't notice.

sometimes he'd come randomly late at night and sing songs to her.

most of them obviously being about her.

how her eyes sparkled when she looked at the stars.

how her laugh made his heart stutter.

it was sweet, really.

it was what she wanted.

she really did love him.

but wilbur had his moments.

she found him on his phone quite often, messaging someone, sending hearts to this someone.

y/n was curious one day and asked him about it.

he shrugged her off and said she was just a friend that he'd been messaging.

she was just a friend.

than she found wilbur coming over less often.

when he did he was more interested in his phone than the girl in front of him.

the love songs he'd sing were no longer about her.

y/n asked again who wilbur was always messaging, getting frustrated with the lack of attention.

"you're acting mental baby, relax it's just niki" wilbur huffed, rolling his eyes and putting his phone down.

"there is this what you want?" he looked over at her angrily.

"wilbur i just-"

"just what? you're so obsessive, it's like- it's like i can't even live my own life!" he shouted grabbing his guitar and briskly leaving.

he apologised shortly after though!

he arrived at y/n's apartment with a rose and kissed her gingerly on the cheek.

"i acted out i'm sorry, i just- work and music it's all been so much lately. the reason i've been messaging niki so much is because she's helping write music and," he paused looking at the floor fondly, "well she's just great at it" he laughed letting himself in.

the pair talked long and it felt, it felt normal again.

but it wouldn't be "normal".

wilbur kept having his moments convincing y/n it was her, it was her thinking all these things that she got it all wrong and was overthinking.

she began to feel insane.

every time she'd bring something up that bothered her he'd say, "god somebody can't take a joke."

she was in a snappy mood one day when wilbur came over, stressed from school.

she said she didn't want to watch a movie because she had to study.

"what a buzz kill" was his reply.

"call me back when you aren't pmsing" he rolled his eyes leaving.

another day she brought up niki again.

"she's really nice i met her on the first day i came here!" y/n said shyly.

"you really are fucking obsessed with niki, if i didn't know any better i'd think you were crushing on her or something" wilbur nonchalantly said.

she didn't know if she was overthinking or not but she always felt something off when she was with wilbur.

she stopped streaming, tweeting that she was extremely overwhelmed with school but she'd be back soon.

alex saw this tweet and felt worry eat away at his stomach.

he'd see her in class but she didn't look as cheery anymore.

more so stressed and tired.

he didn't blame her though, school was rough.

alex kept streaming, the whole pigeon x quackity thing died down fairly quickly when y/n started her break.

he's still get some comments in chat like 'where is she?' and 'are you guys still friends?'.

alex always answered positively that she was doing great and that he hoped school would take it easy on her.

though in truth, he himself was severely concerned.

he walked past her dorm once and heard shouting.

he stood semi near the door, debating if he should butt in or not.

that was when suddenly the door burst open and a man alex could only assume was wilbur came rushing out angrily.

"wilbur!" y/n cried softly after him standing at her door and looking awfully sad.

wilbur left without looking back.

"uh hi" alex said awkwardly.

y/n turned around in shock and was clearly embarrassed.

she waved and smiled before shutting her door.

alex didn't know what to do, they hadn't talked in ages but, he just wanted to help cheer her up.

he sat at his desk pondering about how to go about things.

though, as if some god, most likely aphrodite, was trying to aline them together again.

alex's shower broke.

it wouldn't shut off and began to flood his whole dorm.

he called the office quickly and the managed to get it to stop.

"sorry kid but we're gonna need a couple days to work this out, got any place you could stay awhile?" the repair man asked.

"yeah no worries, thank you!" alex replied starting to pack some of his necessities.

and that's how alex found himself in front of dorm number 609.

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