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          IT was a foggy night when alex was up late on his computer.

he was studying for an up coming exam, when aksel's name caused his phone to buzz.

aksel 🗿: hey join my stream? haven't heard from you in forever dude :(

alexis 🍠: heck yes

and with that alex went through one of the boxes he hadn't finished unpacking and pulled out his recording equipment.

as quickly as he could he set everything up, excited to be freed from the dreaded studying he's been doing.

once he joined the discord call aksel started, aksel yelled, "hEY SLUT" to which alex giggled back.

"so what are playing today?" alex asked prepared to start up anything.

"woW no, how are you aksel my best buddy o' pal, no i missed you so much aksel muah muah muah! how dare you!?" aksel yelled mocking hurt.

alex turned his face cam on while giggling. "oH aKsEl hOw i miSsed yOur eGgy bAldnEss So muCh mUah mUah" alex mocked giggling more.

alex than continued to set everything up to stream.

he made a mental note not to be too loud as y/n was sleeping in the other room.

"i vote minecraft!" aksel shouted.

alex nodded loading up minecraft.

and soon after started his stream.

"hi everyone!" he smiled and waved at the camera, he felt slightly guilty for not being active on social media at all.

his chat was flooded with "how are yous" and "where have you been!"

"i'm actually really great! i haven't been on social media much because i've been settling into the college life!" alex explained.

"oh my little boy is all grown up! he's a scholar now!" aksel pretended to cry.

alex laughed before asking what server. "munchymc!" aksel quickly responded!

the stream was going extremely well, all of quackity's fans were so excited and happy to see him again, and to see he was doing well.

they played multiple rounds of wool wars to which aksel won the majority up until quackity rage quitted.

"bULLSHIT" he screeched his voice cracking in between the word. aksel was dying of laughter.

"awWw the baby lost" aksel mocked continuing to laugh. "no- he CHEATED" alex accused.

he hadn't realised how loud he was being.

that was until a sleepy y/n woke up from the loud shouting and sleepily made her way to where alex was.

the chat was than filled with comments like "GHOST ALEX WATCH OHT" and "INTRUDER SHOULD I CALL THE POLICE" alex squinted at his screen unsure if he was reading the words correctly.

his stomach dropped and he felt cold fear incase him.

he slowly turned around face as white as a sheet and screamed when he saw y/n.

y/n screamed back and jumped closer to him thinking there was something behind her.

she gripped his arm and cried out "what is it what is it what is it!"

"oh y/n! you scared me" alex laughed and rubbed her back to soothe her fear.

"you scared me!" she shouted accusingly and plastered a sad face.

she was wearing fluffy blue pj pants that had little ducks plastered on it.

along with one of alex's hoodies.

she ended up stealing most of his hoodies because she didn't have many sweaters and got cold so often, alex just let her search through his sweaters so she'd stop shivering.

"aww i'm sorry! did i wake you?" alex felt extremely bad knowing he did end up pretty loud.

"yeah but it's okay i have some unfinished homework anyway. why are you still up it's 3:34!" she sat on the floor next to his chair and sleepily yawned. 

he pat her head gently.

he began to play with her hair and yawned too starting to feel sleepy.

"oh i was playing minecraft and stre- STREAMING" he realised that everything that had just happened was probably screen recorded and screen shotted and so many questions were popping up in the chat.

"streaming?!" y/n jumped out of sight of the camera.

"i haven't streamed in so long!" y/n than went in a spiral of guilt realising she had left her fans with hardly any notice.

and than something both clicked in their heads.


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