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✧・゚: *♡ *:・✧

it was very late at night when alex heard her.

there was a loud storm raging on outside. the rain wasn't as pleasant sounding as it had been.

instead it aggressively lashed at the shuttering windows.

thunder boomed loudly as lightning flashed across the dangerous sky.

alex had awoken from the loudness of the storm.

he laid on the couch staring at ceiling.

he hadn't mind the aggressive storm, he only worried if there would be a flood, and was intrigued that a storm like this had even occurred seeing as it wasn't very often.

his thoughts were disturbed when a new sound danced through the silence.

he listened closely and heard soft whimpers coming from his bed.

he was quick to move, worried that she might be in pain. he saw her rolling in between the sheets and blankets, hair stuck to her forehead from the cold sweat of fear.

a nightmare, she was having a nightmare.

alex placed his hand softly on her arm, than moving to her back to rub soothing circles.

she was seemingly more calm just from the small gesture.

up until a terrifying crack of thunder burst through the night sky.

the window burst open allowing the cold to rush in along with heavy rain drops.

y/n sat up gasping as if she had been held underwater for a very long time.

alex was quick to rush to the window and push forcefully against it managing to fight the rain back and close the small window that wouldn't open all the way.

she hugged her knees to her chest trying to hide the tears that slowly streamed down her flushed cheeks.

alex shivered from the cold. "hey you okay? the window's fine, the storm is really going at it" he shook his head and made a mental note to ask about the broken window.

he walked back to the small bed and sat beside her. before he even fully sat down she lunged herself towards him burying her tear stained face into his chest.

alex was taken aback, though he smiled and smoothed her hair.

it was sticky with sweat and she made his already rain soaked shirt more wet with her crystal tears.

he pulled her face out from his chest to look her more closely.

she looked embarrassed, embarrassed that a nightmare caused her to feel such fear even though it wasn't real.

her eyes looked at her fingers in shame. her nose was runny and she sniffled many times.

her eyes red and becoming more puffy as more tears streamed down her satin cheeks.

her lips quivering just slightly. alex felt his heart shatter for her.

he placed his hand against her cheek, his thumb soaking up the last of her tears.

no words were shared but no words were needed.

he opened his arms, she was quick to go in them.

it wasn't long before she had fallen back to sleep, his heart felt complete holding her like he did.

he rubbed her cheek again, he couldn't help to think that,

she's pretty when she cries.

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