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✧・゚: *♡ *:・✧

it was alex who awoke first. snot was running down his nose, and his throat felt as if it was full of cotton.

he coughed softly, a lame attempt to clear his throat.

he sighed and assumed that he most likely had a cold.

when he looked down he found a sleeping y/n laying gently on his arm.

her mouth was open, he felt a wet spot on his sleeve and noticed she had been drooling.

he giggled quietly and moved her hair out of her face.

her face was flushed from the warmth of alex's body.

alex decided sleeping longer was a much better idea than getting up.

he softly caressed her cheek, it was tempting, tempting to gently kiss her angel cheek. he knew he couldn't. or could he?

he decided he would find out, and slowly, carefully, alex placed a soft kiss upon her cheek.

he blushed profusely though he blamed it on his cold. her eyes fluttered gently open. "good morning" she whispered, rubbing her eyes, trying to become fully awake.

"good morning" alex whispered just as softly.

she yawned and stretched.

they stayed like that, for a few minutes before y/n sat up rubbing her eyes again before checking her phone.

she saw an email from the university as one of her notifications.

her eyebrows furrowed together as she read them email.

alex sat up  as well, he attempted to drink some water, though that ended in a coughing fit.

y/n was quick to pat his back. "thanks" he smiled, it was at this time when she noticed how pale alex was, though his cheeks and nose were flushed bright red.

dark circles swirling underneath his honey brown eyes.

his nose dripping with snot that he occasionally wiped away with the back of his sleeve.

"alex you're sick" y/n exclaimed, she placed the back of her hand against his forehead.

"oh no no no, you're burning up!" she frowned.

she pushed him back so he would be laying on the bed, gently, she tucked him in.

"you don't have to do all this i feel fine" he coughed out. y/n shook her head and smiled slightly.

"alex you're practically dying of a cold, now get comfy!" she demanded rushing to the bathroom.

she grabbed a small wash cloth, it was one of her's.

it was covered in small red strawberries.

she soaked the cloth in cold water and neatly folded it.

placing the cold cloth upon alex's forehead.

he shivered slightly from the sudden change of temperatures.

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