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          TODAY was the day!

y/n was moving from michigan to mexico!

she felt giddy at the idea of being somewhere new.

though her heart ached at the thought of leaving her best friends.

"i'm going to miss you so much" roselyn sobbed.

"aww don't cry you're going to make me cry!" y/n started tearing up.

"ugh you big babies" elliot attempted to keep his composure but he ended up bawling.

"flight four is now preparing for lift off, anyone else not on flight four who will be attending hurry on board please, thank you!"

"c'mon sweetie that's your flight" her dad patted my back.

"okay, okay see you later alligators?" y/n sniffled.

"in awhile crocodile" they said at the same time.

"bye mom" y/n hugged her mother quickly.

"goodbye love, be safe, don't talk to strangers, lock your doors at night, don't forget to call, make su-"

"alright alright, she gets it" her father laughed pulling her into a hug while her mom sighed.

"here's your camera kiddo, i recorded your sob feast" he smiled and slapped her back lightly.

"bye dad" y/n quickly hugged rose and elliot one last time before running to the entrance of my flight.

"hello, boarding flight four to mexico?" the lady asked.

"yes" y/n replied handing her, her ticket, she allowed y/n on the plane and showed her to her seat.

"have a nice flight" she said before scurrying off.

y/n turned on my camera and started recording.

"hey guys so i look disgusting" she laughed and sniffled, attempting to make her eyes look less red.

"from the last clip you could see my friends and i crying ah! i miss them so much already" she sighed trying to keep from crying again.

she turned her camera to the window and filmed as the plane lifted off.

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