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ALEX had noticed how tired y/n had looked and felt really bad making her go to the office with him.

he told her he could go by himself that he didn't mind but she said they would probably need to talk to her as well. which would mostly be true.

"how strange, this has only happened once or twice before." the lady who was in charge of the office at the moment said after they had explained their situation. she looked at her computer and typed away quickly. she sighed disappointedly.

"i apologise greatly for this mistake, but is there any way perhaps one of you can stay somewhere else, or share the room for about a week while we find a new room for ms. l/n?"

y/n looked at alex almost asking with her eyes if it was okay if she stayed with him, well she was new to mexico and wouldn't have anywhere to stay unfortunately.

"uh do you want to stay in the dorm?" alex asked her politely. "i-if you don't mind, could i?" she responded feeling very shy. "of course i don't mind! she'll be staying in my dorm" alex told the lady.

"thank you so much for your understanding, we'll get you a new room very quickly and won't charge you two dorm rent for one month as an apology" she smiled sweetly.

"thank you so much" y/n cheered, and that was because she didn't have enough money to pay for rent anyways. "so can i get a phone number to reach you at dear" the lady brought out a notepad. "yes, my number is 666-666-696" y/n told her slowly. "that's an easy one to remember" they laughed together slightly. the lady than told her she'd call her when y/n's new dorm would be ready.

now our new duo was walking back to the dorm. "so want me to help you unpack? you can have the room i'll just sleep on the couch." alex said. "nonono it's your room i could totally sleep on the couch i don't mind." y/n replied feeling very guilty. "guess no one's getting the bed cause i'll sleep on floor" alex said stubbornly. "alexis!" y/n groaned. he laughed, and she couldn't help but laugh too.

once they arrived at the dorm, it was slowly becoming night. "shall we have dinner?" alex asked pulling out two large bowls of instant ramen. y/n snorted. "look these ramens right here, they're better than cup o noodles. tRUST ME!" alex shouted starting to boil some water.

"oh yeah why are they better?" she challenged. "well because i got them at an authentic japanese store, just try it!" alex rolled his eyes playfully.

"do you have any movies to watch?" y/n asked while unpacking her blankets and pillows and making an extra comfy couch where they could watch movies on. "oh oh i've got netflix" alex smirked attempting to seem cool. "oh wow, you're so epic" she laughed while alex turned on his playstation.

once it turned on he logged in as alex and turned on netflix. "what should we watch?" he asked, still wanting to be polite since he didn't really know her.
he was happy she was so nice though, he felt strangely comfortable around her. he didn't mind if he'd have to share his dorm with her forever.

"hey the ramen's done!" y/n cheered placing them on the small coffee table. her voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"and i suggested sweeny todd" y/n muttered the last part, a soft blush on her cheeks, unsure if alex would enjoy that movie.

"here go ahead and put anything on" alex smiled and went to the kitchen to grab something.

she decided to put edward scissorhands on instead, feeling that he'd enjoy that movie more than the first that she recommended.

alex returned with some limes and squeezed some in his soup. "mira así" he said while putting the other half of the lime in his soup. "it taste better" he nodded to confirm his statement.

y/n looked at her soup than back at alex and held her soup bowl out for him to put lime in. he blushed when he looked at her because at that moment he found her to look very cute. but that was weird to think, especially since he had just met her. he quickly squeezed the lime in.

so there our duo sat eating instant ramen, on a small couch which probably had too many pillows, watching edward scissorhands.

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