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          THE airplane ride felt long as y/n sat on the not so comfortable airplane seat.

she noticed a man stare at her creepily for awhile.

she tried to ignore him and instead pulled out her laptop from her backpack and plugged in her headphones.

she started to edit a video that was prefilmed.

though there were some loud noises like babies crying and people coughing and people snoring which kept distracting her.

she sighed and put her laptop away after completing half of her editing.

she yawned and pulled a blanket over and rested her head on the airplane wall.

she began to doze off though was awaken by the pilot letting everyone know to put their seatbelts back on as they were soon to land.

a video played on the little screen in front of her explaining how to fix your seatbelt and what to do in case of an emergency.

it took half an hour for the plane to land and when it did she felt exhausted.

her legs moved slowly out of the plane and she huffed knowing she'd have to get her two suit cases and carry them by herself.

once she eventually did she waited outside for her uber, nearly falling asleep while standing.

the drive to her college was long and boring.

the man driving tried to make small talk but noticed she didn't seem to feel very chatty.

she kept yawning but forced herself to stay awake.

falling asleep in someone's car that you don't know is extremely dangerous, especially since she wasn't familiar with the area.

after the long drive she finally made it to her college.

she hopped out and thanked the driver.

he smiled at her and helped take out her luggage.

y/n dragged her luggage and entered the school.

"welcome!" a lady at the front desk said cheerily.

"hello! you must be y/n! i'm niki! i show everyone around and give new students their schedules!" a girl with bleached blonde hair and glasses said happily.

she seemed so sweet and y/n wanted to be her friend.

"hi!" y/n tried to match her enthusiasm but couldn't shake off her sleepiness.

"follow me" niki smiled and grabbed one if y/n's suit cases.

she walked quite quickly and y/n struggled to keep up.

"i have you schedule here, and i wrote my number on it incase you need anything! here's your dorm room, room 108. quiet time is from 8:30 pm to 6:00 am! i'll be over at 9:00 am to give you a tour of the school. see you around y/n!" niki grinned before leaving and waving.

"thank you!" y/n shouted feeling happy to know at least one person already, especially someone as nice as niki.

upon entering the dorm she noticed an empty juice box on a coffee table, as well as a few empty water bottles scattered on the floor.

"that's a little odd" y/n mumbled wondering why the school didn't clean the dorms before letting someone new take the dorm.

though she shrugged it off and instead brought her things inside and lay on the couch.

almost instantly drifting off to sleep.

what she missed to hear was the water running in the bathroom.

alex came out of the bathroom half an hour later.

his wet hair stuck out in all directions and he had a simple blue hoodie and grey joggers on.

he was in the process of drying his hair as he exited the bathroom walking around casually in his dorm.

he went to the fridge to grab another juice box and was about to sit on the couch when he saw a body laying on his couch.

he screamed out of pure fear not noticing the body until just two seconds ago.

his scream woke y/n who was sleeping on the couch.

she rubbed her eyes and looked at alex than screamed as well.

"what are you doing here!?" alex asked grasping at his chest feeling as if his heart just jumped out of his chest.

"this is my dorm" y/n replied groggily, confused and tired.

"no this is my dorm!" alex replied watching as y/n grabbed the paper that she was using as a pillow and handed it to alex.

he read:

dorm 108

on the top of the paper.

he was absolutely confused, he had been living in this dorm for two weeks already.

he handed back the paper and said, "we're gonna have to go to the registration office, oh and what's your name"

"y/n l/n" was the girl's reply, she was still confused on what just happened, her brain shrouded with sleep.

"my name's alex"

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