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✧・゚: *♡ *:・✧

fan accounts had been extremely busy posting photos and videos of the quackity's latest livestream.

they were on the case. all busy trying to figure out who alex's new possible love interest could be.

people assumed it was ani right away, though that was quickly debunked because the girl in the stream did not look like ani at all and ani was quick to tweet saying

'that wasn't me in alex's new livestream, i wish i could visit mexico! TvT'

a few other youtuber's names floated around except the one with the most accusation was the youtuber known as 'pigeon' fan accounts had created side by side voice videos and y/n's was the closest match.

the only reason it wasn't confirmed was because there was no clear face reveal of y/n and because it was dark in alex's livestream and trying to see the girl's face was difficult.

also because no one said anything about it, including pigeon and quackity. they disregarded the small wave of people investigating who was with alex.

alex hadn't been on social media since the stream nor had he answered any of his friends back. that wasn't because he choose not to but he was genuinely overloaded with a lot of homework.

y/n was also spammed by her friends with questions just because they wanted the chisme and because they were curious if she finally found a date.

yet neither paid any attention to social media since all their attention was focused on each other.

each minute alex spent with y/n he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her.

today he caught himself watching her delicate fingers glide across her notebook.

she was writing down notes for an upcoming test. they both were sitting on the couch attempting to do notes on their knees.

he as well was "doing homework" except now he found himself extremely distracted.

he watched closely as she wrote and admired how neat everything was.

her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. she had her tongue out just slightly in concentration.

her face was flushed pink because of the cold that was seeping through the window.

he watched as a large piece of hair slowly come undone.

alex, absentmindedly, tucked the piece of hair behind her ear.

y/n smiled but couldn't turn her attention to alex since she found her notes a bit more important at the time.

alex began to feel like a child. he wanted her attention and now was determined to get it.

he scooted closer to her, ever so slightly. he stared at her waiting for a reaction but received none.

a small sigh escaped his lips as he thought up a new way to grab her attention. his next idea was to scoot his hand closer and closer until finally he was holding her hand.

and so his plan went into action. he inched his hand bit by bit until finally he had reached her hand.

"what are you doing" she giggled. alex flinched from the sound of her voice, not expecting the noise that suddenly filled the silent room.

"n-nothing" he replied taking his hand back. she turned to face him.

making sure his eyes were on her she grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers.

and than as if nothing had happened, as if she didn't just make alex's heart beat so fast he was genuinely concerned he might die, she went back to her notes.

alex's eyes were wide, his homework completely forgotten, he stared at his hand holding her's.

he stared in disbelief. he really didn't think he'd get this far. yet now that he had he wanted more.

so again like a child he whined "y/nNnnNnn" and than proceeded to sigh and sit back on the couch.

neither of them had let go of each other's hands though.

"yes alexis dear" y/n replied nonchalantly. alex huffed seeing as he didn't get her full attention.

"y/nNnNnn!" he whined again but much louder. "hmmm" she hummed instead. alex sighed dramatically.

that was until a new idea popped up. he lay down on their small couch, head in her lap disrupting her note taking.

"alexis!" y/n giggled not minding the disruption. "hMmm" he mocked.

she laughed again and gently slapped his chest with her free hand. her hair fell as she leaned down closer to his face, a small smirk lining her lips.

he smiled and gently placed her hair neatly behind her ears finding that one of his favourite things to do.

except this time his hand didn't go immediately back to his side. instead it lingered near her cheek until finally his hand gently lay on her cheek.

she smiled brightly. a smile that warmed alex's heart and made butterflies burst into his stomach. oh how fell in love with the feeling of butterflies.

she placed her hand in his hair, pulling of the beanie he never seemed to take off. alex didn't even fight it, to focused on the silky feeling of her cheek.

she twirled her fingers within his black hair. finding it to be very soft.

alex found her lips to be very tempting, seeing how close they were, how soft they looked, how tender, and warm.

instead he stayed where he was, still too shy to even dare get any closer.

i guess some distractions aren't that bad.

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