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          "OKAY guYs tHis was a gReaT livEstReaM! i'll sTreAm sOon bYe!" alex quickly ended the stream.

before he ended it he heard aksel laugh loudly seeing as his best friend just got exposed.

"uh bye aksel!" he shouted than hung up the call.

he was than spammed by a few of his friends as to who the girl sleeping in his bed in his college dorm was.

yes alex has blushed profusely almost this whole story but might i say that this time he was probably the reddest he had ever been.

"i'm so sorry about that" alex whispered too embarrassed to speak any louder.

"oh haha it's no problem, uh how many people were watching" y/n asked nervously.

"uhm just four thousand" his voice hardly making a sound. "FOUR THOU-" y/n put her face in her hands.

"i'm so sorry!" alex faced the floor.

"no it's okay really! i livestream a lot too, i'm just surprised that's a large following you must have! what's your username?" y/n replied giggling.

alex felt relief hit him like a tidal wave.

"quackity" he laughed. "i'm pigeon you probably haven't heard of me though!" y/n yawned and stretched her arms.

alex didn't say anything out of pure shock.

pigeon had millions of followers and was one of the most popular girl gamers.

alex was extremely shy to admit that he had been watching her since she only had 900 followers.

she had never really done a face reveal and the ones she had were small and never showed her full face.

i guess he had thought her voice was extremely familiar but simply shrugged it off. he now understood why her voice always felt so safe and familiar!

he would watch her when he was having a bad day or just sad in general because her cheerfulness and positive outlook always made him cheer up too.

y/n had become quite nervous now by revealing her channel seeing as alex hadn't said anything for awhile now. she sat sleepily on the arm rest of his chair and anxiously waited for a response.

"no. way. you. are. pigeon" alex whispered in disbelief. "I LOVE YOU" he shouted and than quickly turned a shade of crimson from his burst of fanboy.

y/n grinned happy that his response was a positive one. "not to be a weird fanboy or anything but you're one of my most favourite youtubers! i can't believe i didn't recognise you sooner! gosh this is crazy" alex seemed to have stars glimmering in his eyes for his idol.

y/n was extremely flattered. "i'm not all that great" she tried to hold a modest composure. "are you kidding me you're the best!"

y/n sat admiring alex for a moment as he went on to talk about one of the videos she filmed a few years back.

she couldn't help but think how cute he looked when he talked about things he admired.

and i guess she just had to let him know. "you're cute" she blurted still smiling. "yea-" alex was mid sentence when she said it and was completely taken aback.

his loud chatter was silenced by two simple words as he sat there mouth drawn into a smile he couldn't hold back, eyes too embarrassed to face the girl so instead the stared at the safety of the floor, cheeks stuck with an everlasting glow of pink.

y/n soon realised what she said and too blushed but not backing down from what she said. a rush of confidence surged through her as she grabbed his clammy hand. "c'mon duck let's watch some more movies" she giggled at the new nickname she created as she pulled the embarrassed alex to the couch with her.

alex was in love.

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