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                  ALEX knocked on the door softly.

he was hesitant and nervous.

she opened the door just when he was about to leave.

"oh hi alex, what's up" she greeted, her eyes looked red and her nose was stuffy.

as if she'd been crying.

"hey! um this is really random, but uh so, my dorm kinda flooded and they need to fix it but they said it's gonna take like a couple days so i was uh wondering if maybe i could crash here? if it's not a problem or anything! i just-"

"of course you could stay dummy" she smiled and pulled him inside.

"hey is your pc stuff good?" she asked placing his backpack on the floor.

"oh yeah thank god, i moved it into my room before the water reached the living room" he replied.

"that's good!" she said awkwardly.

she sat at her desk trying to put away things quickly.

alex saw a photo dropped and picked it up.

it was a polaroid of y/n and wilbur but the left corner was burned.

he looked back up at y/n but saw her head in her hands.

"hey are you okay?" alex asked kneeling on the floor and gently moving her hands away.

"wilbur cheated on me" she whispered.

tears were steadily flowing down her cheeks and her face was a splotchy red.

alex didn't know what to say so he quickly hugged her holding her head to his chest.

they sat like that for awhile, he hoped she'd calm down a bit.

she lay her head on alex's chest and breathed for a moment.

"wanna know how i know?" she asked him abruptly.

"uh if you feel like you want to, of course" alex was trying his absolute best to be comforting.

she handed him her phone, there open was a picture of wilbur and a blonde girl who alex wasn't really familiar with holding hands.

she swiped left and there was another picture of them kissing beneath the oak tree where wilbur showed y/n the constellations.

"oh god- i'm so sorry" alex sputtered, he never pictured wilbur to be like this.

"this girl i worked with on a project once saw them and sent the pictures to me, i just- i knew it as well! and guess what he did!" she ranted, pacing in her room now.

"he said i was crazy!" she shouted "he said that, that i was overthinking everything, that they were just friends, that i was mental" she started crying again and alex was a complete lose at what to say.

she lay on her back on her bed looking at the ceiling and quietly crying.

he lay beside her on his back.

"i'm sorry" she whispered.

"for what, you did nothing at all" he replied looking at her from the side.

"i'm sorry for putting this all on you. i- i never meant to" alex sat up now and shook his head.

"i was just- sad i'm sorry, i didn't mean to it was my fault. i don't mean to be a burden i'm sorry" she covered her face again.

"don't apologise. nothing was your fault, and you're not a burden at all." alex reassured.

"and you shouldn't do this" alex grabbed the photograph.

"i wanna forget" she huffed.

"i don't think any memory is okay to forget. i want to live with all my memories. even if they're sad ones. even if those memories only hurt me. if i keep them and keep trying, if i keep trying than someday those memories can't defeat me."

y/n sat up looking over at alex.

"that's kinda weird and cringe right?" he tried to laugh off the embarrassment.

"that was beautiful" she whispered laying her head in his lap.

he blushed and stared at her for a moment.

"you're not a burden, trust me. you're letting negativity cloud your judgement, if you let sadness cloud your life you won't get anywhere, and you wanna get somewhere cause that's the whole point of life!"

"just don't cry anymore, kay? cause than i'll be sad"

she sniffed softly as he gently moved strands of her hair out of her face.

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