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          Y/N sat in class her head resting on her hand.

luckily enough alex and y/n happened to have two classes together out of their hectic schedules.

y/n sat in the row in front of alex.

both were bored out of their minds, listening as their teacher blabbed on about the importance of safety in her classroom.

alex found himself on his phone staring at various memes.

he almost died laughing at one and immediately sent it to y/n.

her phone lighting up with the message, she smiled immediately, excited to be distributed from the boring lesson.

as soon as she saw it she almost laughed out loud.

she looked back at alex and both of them snorted, trying extremely hard to muffle their laughter.

now two students sat shaking with silent laughter, and bright red faces.

the professor looked at them and sighed briefly before continuing and not giving them a second thought.

alexis 🍠: wanna go to a cafe after this class?


✧・゚: *♡ *:・゚✧

after an extremely long and boring hour and a half the class was finally over.

y/n quickly packed away her things and rushed out of class.

alex was already standing by the door waiting for her.



together they walked out of the college campus.

the weather was colder than it had usually been and y/n, was not prepared.

she pulled her binder closer to her chest trying to create some kind of warmth.

alex noticed the goosebumps collect on her arms and laughed lightly.

"are you cold?" he asked the shivering girl.

"it's a little chilly" she admitted.

"here" alex said before pulling his back pack off and removing his grey hoodie.

"won't you be cold!" y/n felt her face suddenly get hot.

"no i'm fine, it feels nice out. here" he gently grabbed her binder and helped her slip the hoodie on.

it was still warm from alex's body heat and y/n sighed contentedly.

a blush tinted y/n's face, but she blamed it on the cold.

the cafe was warm and welcoming. the strong scent of coffee wafted around the pair.

"what would you like?" alex pulled a chair out, y/n sat down blurting a quick thank you while her cheeks became a rosey shade of pink.

"uhH i'll have a iced vanilla latte please" she pulled out her wallet, searching for her money.

"oh don't worry i'll pay!" alex said putting his hand over her's.

his fingers lingered on top of her's awhile before he realised what he was doing and quickly pulled his hand away.

both of their cheeks were tinted bright pink and alex went to order feeling extremely flustered.

alex came back shortly after with two drinks in his hands, he placed y/n's latte on her side of the small cafe table and he sat down on the opposite side.

they sipped their drinks casually in a not so causally way as they snuck glances at each other.

small talk was shared between the two.

and before they knew it an hour had passed by.

an hour that both of them adored.

y/n wish time could just stop for a second. she wanted to just talk finally.

not worry about uploading a video, not worrying about school work, not worrying about paying her newfound bills, she just wanted to talk and for someone to listen and add their own thoughts.

and she finally found someone who would. alex.

alex became flustered under y/n's soft gaze.

she became lost in thought and zoned out on alex.

"hellOoOo earth to y/n" alex giggled, his cheeks seeming to be permanently stained pink.

"oh sorry! i zoned out" y/n laughed nervously, her cheeks also a bright pink.

"should we get going i have so much homework to do" alex sighed already feeling mentally exhausted just imagining all the work he needed to complete.

"ugh tell me about it!"

so the two walked out of the delightful cafe.

y/n swearing to herself to come back in the morning for another delicious vanilla latte.

the cold blew harshly against them. the wind blowing wildly.

"the wind got so much colder, are you sure you don't want your sweater back" y/n shivered.

"no i'm okay! it's not even cold!" alex reassured his friend.

though on the inside alex was dying of the frosty wind.

y/n blew hot breath into her cold hands.

"look my hands feel like ice!" y/n pressed her hands against alex's face.

"aHhh!" alex laughed and pushed her hands off.

"geez you really are cold, want to hold my hands they're defiantly warmer than yours." alex offered, putting his hand out.

"not in a weird way or anything either just cause you're cold and i don't want you to die of fro-"

she interlaced her fingers with his and smiled, cutting off his anxious rambling.

he smiled back.

and together the pair walked back to their dorm.

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